Looking forward to welcoming you to Chesterton Community College, Cambridge for our weekly modern jive event!
Jive4All explicitly promotes an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcome. As such the culture is to accept any dance as long as you feel comfortable. Equally, we believe that a dancer’s gender is not relevant to their choice of dance role and we encourage everyone to try different dance roles.
Our brilliant, fun teacher Radley Edwards will be teaching two levels of modern jive classes, and there's freestyle dance after: it's £7 for the night with free membership on the door.
7.15 beginners
8.10 intermediates
8.40 freestyle
9.45 ends, everyone out by 10.00
Drinks at The Waterman Pub, all welcome. Dance Course. Instruction (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced), Party, Practice (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced) and Social (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced) for Le Roc and Jive (French & Modern) Dancers. You may BYO drinks. Doors open at 19:00. Event is 19:15-21:45. Admission £7.00.
Inclusive weekly Modern Jive classes every Monday in central Cambridge for beginners and intermediate levels, followed by a fun freestyle. Core to our ethos is that you choose whether you learn to lead, follow, or both!
We meet at Chesterton Community College, Cambridge, CB4 3NY. There is parking in the school cark park and cycle parking on site and on the surrounding streets.
Our standard price is £7, paid on the door. Membership is free.
No Smoking. Car Park. the entrance is from Gilbert Road.