Chalemie Summer School: Join a lively and dedicated group to develop or refine your technique as a dancer, singer, musician, actor or costumier, within the context of the 17th/18th centuries. Classes with Barbara Segal (dance), Sarah Stowe (song), Matthew Spring, Tim Bayley, Katie Hodges & Bill Tuck (early music), Barry Grantham (commedia) and AnnSusan Brown (period costume-making). The course fee covers tuition, accommodation and full board at the Headington School Oxford. Bursaries are available; please enquire. Phone Bookings: 0207 700 4293.
►Further Information ►Book Online Now Dance Event. Musical, Instruction (Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced, Advanced and Master), Course, Holiday, Summer-School, Masterclass and Social (Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced, Advanced and Master) for Playford, Singing, Baroque, European, Early and English Country Dancers. Bar. Soft drinks available. You may BYO drinks. Doors open at 12:00. Event is 14:00-14:00. Admission £545.00.
Organiser: Chalemie - historical dance / performance company
Contact: Barbara Segal or Sharon Butler. Tel:
0207 700 4293 or 0208 699 8519.
►Email ►Website ►Full DanceWeb EntryCHALEMIE is formed of baroque dancer Barbara Segal (of Contretemps), Sara Stowe and Matthew Spring (of Sirinu). They perform the early music, dance and pantomime of eighteenth-century London, as well as court spectaculars of earlier centuries. They run an annual Summer School of dance, song, music,acting & costume-making. Barbara teaches reguintermediate & beginner baroque dance classes at The Place, Flaxman Terrace, London WC1, Sundays 11-5. For details contact: