The Windy City Linedancemania early bird deadline is fast approaching! This will be your final chance to receive a free step description disc (or discounted book) and T-Shirt along with your VIP pass. The event price does not go up until Sept, but the freebies for the top pass will no longer be available.
Also, for those getting the VIP pass, please don't forget to mark off your T-Shirt size and the type of step book you want. We want to make sure that we have ample supplies for everyone come event time. Aspiring and established choreographers that we couldn't fit onto our jam packed staff this year will have the opportunity to teach their latest creation to some of our instructor/judges and dancers through our Choreography Competition! Some of the best dances to go national have been introduced through this type of competition - along with some great cash prizes And remember, Sunday will have the main ballroom dedicated to Open Dancing all day until 4pm... ►Further Information ►Book Online Now Dance Event. Instruction, Weekender, Festival, Practice, Masterclass, Workshop, Social and Competition for Line Dancers.
The web site for news about line dancing in Chicago and Milwaukee (USA). "I set up this web page to give you all an idea of what is happening in the world of line dancing in the Chicago area. As for me, I've been involved with line dancing since about 1994. In 1998, I branched out into teaching and have had some nice success stories with my Choreography with published dances in UK's Linedancer and Canada's Dance Lines Magazine. To see the latest that I've created, check out my New Choreography"