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Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for Company Fierce Dance Theatre Ltd.


Dancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for Company Fierce Dance Theatre Ltd.

Dancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for Company Fierce Dance Theatre Ltd.
Company Fierce

Company Fierce Dance Theatre Ltd

 Company Fierce is CFDT- the commercial arm to company fierce, past credits and clients have include hair shows, live pa's, pop promos, top of the pops, CD:UK , empire direct and JD sports. CFA - A highly successful dance training Academy that was created for gifted and talented kids, from the local communities to help facilitate a career in dance. Winners of the Art06 Award for outstanding work with Children and Young People. An unique and pioneering Academy for dance.
Private Coaching, Instructor Training, Dance Studio/School, GCSE and A Level Tuition, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Professional Training, Performances, Workshops. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Dancercise, Hustle (New York), Ballroom, Ballet (Cecchetti), Street Dance, Pop-Video Dance, Hip-Hop, Ballet (English).
Contact: Donna & Darren Pritchard
Tel: 0161 209 8004, 07854 752 526
Fax: 0161 209 8004
(Last Edited: 13/12/2017)
ADancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 5QA
Website. All Entries for Dancehouse Venue. Stage. The Dancehouse (home of NBS) occupies some 3,250 sq.m of floor space and constitutes one of the most comprehensively appointed dance training facilities to be found anywhere. Located on Oxford Road, in central Manchester, opposite BBC. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom, Street Dance Class

Contemporary, Ballroom, Street, Pop-Video, Ballet (English) Course, Instruction at Beginner to Intermediate level. Contact organiser for times and further details. Bring your own drinks. Non-Alcoholic Bar. To book or for further details: Tel: 0161 209 8004. Weekly classes for 12yrs-18yrs, Tuesdays, Friday and Saturdays. Pupils must be committed as Company Fierce Academy is a pre-professional training establishment for young people wishing to forge a career in Dance. Classes are in 12 week blocks for a duration of 36 weeks of the year. We also hold weekly community classes @ Sale Waterside Arts Centre, Sale.Wednesday Evenings.
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