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Dance Class

2010 Line Dancing Classes - Intermediate/Advanced

Tuesday 20:30 - 22:30, Weekly

Avening Social Club, Avening, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

shsod2.GIFContact Steve or Jan for further information. Phone Bookings: 01453 731749. Further Information

Dance Class. Instruction (Intermediate and Advanced) for Line Dancers. Event is 20:30-22:30. Admission £5.00.

Organiser: Steve Holmes School of Dance

Contact: Steve Holmes. Tel: 01453 731749 or 07881 907 602.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Steve Holmes School of Dance provides dance lessons and classes in and around Stroud, Gloucestershire. We teach classes in Ballroom, Latin and Line dancing and also offer private tuition, including wedding dance lessons...WALK IN...DANCE OUT! Or if you simply want space to practise the steps you already know then why not come to our weekly or monthly social dances...COME AND JOIN US... FUN AND LIVELY ATMOSPHERE... ALL STANDARDS WELCOME! Find us on facebook at 'Steve Holmes School of Dance'

Venue: Avening Social Club

, 1 Woodstock Lane, Avening, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8NG ►All Dance Classes and Events for Avening Social Club   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Avening Social Club on Google Earth
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