Baroque dance, a precursor of classical ballet from the late 17th/early 18th centuries, was danced at royal balls and on the stage. The dance rhythms may be familiar to those with a knowledge of the music of the period, and include the minuet, sarabande, bourée, gavotte, gigue and the French courante. Composers to write Baroque dance music include Lully, Purcell and Handel.
Monthly Sunday class in Baroque dance.
Session 1: 1:45–3:15, all levels, beginners welcome.
Session 2: 3:15–4:45, intermediate/advanced.
Reduced price for concessions, full-time students, or if a deposit is paid for the term. Phone Bookings: 07976 374482.
►Further InformationDance Class. Instruction (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) and Workshop for Baroque and Early Dancers. Event is 13:45-16:45. Admission £12.00 (£17.00 for all sessions).

Offers classes in historical dance from the Medieval period to the early 20th Century. Specialises in Baroque dance (c1660–1750).
Workshops available to groups - please enquire.
Hall is in front of the tennis courts.