Dance Class. Instruction (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) and Practice (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) for Rueda Dancers. Doors open at 19:30. Event starts at 21:20.

My name is Alastair Sadler and with my wife Felicity we founded the Streetbeat Salsa Co. in 1995. Our aim was simple. We wanted to pass on the skills we had acquired to an ever growing number of people wanting to learn to dance. We also wanted to promote salsa for the sake of it.
I feel that salsa is a living dance, in that it is constantly evolving. There's no such thing as the authentic salsa. As soon as people believe that, salsa becomes just another folk dance of a bygone era...
Use the Entrance which has -The Stables- painted across the arch way.
As you come from Camden tube it is passed the canal and under the railway bridge on the left.