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Capoeira Saturday lessons with Capoeira Agora

Saturday 16:00 - 18:00, Weekly

John Marshall Hall, London, United Kingdom

capoeira_agora_logo.jpgCapoeira Saturday classes are designed for our regular students who wish to get to the next level of training.

Conditioning, stretching, flexibility, movements, music and a game in a roda are sometimes challenging, but important part of learning the Capoeira art form and improving the general fitness.

Dance Class. Instruction (Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) and Practice (Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) for Capoeira Dancers. Event is 16:00-18:00. Admission £12.00 (£45.00 for all sessions).

Organiser: Capoeira Agora

Contact: Justyna Jozefiak. Tel: 07977 151 362.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
capoeira_agora_logo.jpgCapoeira classes in Central London. Beginners' courses and regular classes, including movements, music and acrobatics. Contact: Capoeira Agora, PO Box 56257, London N4 9AD; tel: 07977 151 362;;

Venue: John Marshall Hall

, Christ Church, 27 Blackfriars Rd, London, SE1 8NY ►All Dance Classes and Events for John Marshall Hall   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue John Marshall Hall on Google Earth
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