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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

Monday 19:30, Weekly

Kay Park Church Hall, Kay Park, Kilmarnock, Strathclyde, United Kingdom


Dance Class. Instruction (Novice and Beginner) and Practice (Novice and Beginner) for Mixed Social, Latin American and Ballroom Dancers. Event starts at 19:30.

Organiser: JB School of Dance

Contact: Jane Brodie. Tel: 07952277428.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
jb.jpgDuring each class you will learn a range of dances which can be used for most social occasions. The Ballroom dances taught are Waltz, Quickstep, Tango and after about a year Slow Foxtrot. The Latin American dances taught are Cha cha cha, Samba, Rumba, Jive and Paso doble. All classes run at the same level so that if you miss one of the classes you could always come to one of the others so that you are not left behind as after the first 4 weeks the classes become faster paced.

Venue: Kay Park Church Hall

, London Road, Kay Park, Kilmarnock, Strathclyde, KA3 7AA.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Kay Park Church Hall   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Kay Park Church Hall on Google Earth
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