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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

Wednesday 19:00 - 20:00, Weekly

Shepherds Inn, Carlisle, Cumbria, United Kingdom

This session is for the slightly more experienced Dancer who have had lessons before and already know the basic's of the Waltz, Quickstep and Foxtrot but now want to improve their Dancing or perhaps learn a few new sequence dances.

Dance Class. Instruction (Intermediate) and Practice (Intermediate) for Waltz, Foxtrot, Modern Sequence, Quickstep, Modern Ballroom and Ballroom Dancers. Event is 19:00-20:00. Admission £4.00.

Organiser: Michael and Angela Hayton School of Dancing

Contact: Tel: 01228 539250.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry

Venue: Shepherds Inn

, Montgomery Way, Rosehill Estate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RR.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Shepherds Inn   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Shepherds Inn on Google Earth
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