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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Bedfont, London.


Ann Langley School of Dancing, 5 Engleheart Drive, Bedfont


Feltham Assembly Hall, Feltham Park, Hounslow Road, Feltham


Feltham Community College, Browells Lane, Feltham, Twickenham


Reach Academy, 53 - 55 High Street, Feltham, London


West Star Western Gear, 167 Staines Road, Hounslow


Kenyngton Manor School, Bryony Way, Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.

Ann Langley School of Dancing, 5 Engleheart Drive, Bedfont


Feltham Assembly Hall, Feltham Park, Hounslow Road, Feltham


Feltham Community College, Browells Lane, Feltham, Twickenham


Reach Academy, 53 - 55 High Street, Feltham, London


West Star Western Gear, 167 Staines Road, Hounslow


Kenyngton Manor School, Bryony Way, Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.
Bedfont, London
Classes in Shepperton
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Ballroom.
Tel: 020 8751 2177
Email: Ann Langley School of Dancing.
All Entries for Ann Langley School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
AAnn Langley School of Dancing, 5 Engleheart Drive, Bedfont, Gt London, TW14 9HL
All Entries for Ann Langley School of Dancing Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Salsa, Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Feltham, London

Feltham Assembly Hall

Dance Hall for Hire, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Ballroom.
All Entries for Feltham Assembly Hall Organisation.
(Last Edited: 30/7/2000)
B> Feltham Assembly Hall, Feltham Park, Hounslow Road, Feltham, Gt London, TW14 9DN
All Entries for Feltham Assembly Hall Venue. Junction of A312 and A244. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line Dance Class

Line, Modern Ballroom Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Jo Field School of Dance

Jo Field School of Dance

 Jo started dance classes at the age of 3 years old. She progressed through various dance examinations whilst studying at school. After finishing dance at college, Jo turned professional and secured her first contract abroad. Dancing in Greece, Jo formed her own dance troop who went on to perform together for a year. Jo then moved to Japan where she danced in Cabaret and appeared in various shows and television productions. After Japan, Jo moved to Spain, dancing at 'BCM' and other venues...
Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Dancercise, Freestyle Dance, Gymnastic Dance, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Hip-Hop, Break Dance. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: J Field
All Entries for Jo Field School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 22/2/2017)
CFeltham Community College, Browells Lane, Feltham, Twickenham, Gt London, tw14
All Entries for Feltham Community College Venue. Stage. Once you have pulled in to the school car park, carry on straight up to the astro turfs and follow the road round to the left. Carry on straight up the slip road until you come to the small car park. The Sports Hall is just there on the left. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Stage, Dancercise, Freestyle, Gymnastic, Contemporary, Street, Hip-Hop, Break Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. For further details: Info.
Kristi Dance Academy

Kristi's Dance Academy

 KDA holds RAD Ballet classes and ISTD Tap, Modern and Jazz classes. Classes start from aged 3 upwards at Graded and Vocational level including Advanced 2. Classes are held 6 days a week from 4 - 10pm in Hampton and Feltham.
Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Kristi Jones
Tel: 01784 451028, 07973 392130
All Entries for Kristi's Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/8/2017)
DReach Academy, 53 - 55 High Street, Feltham, Gt London, TW13 4AB
All Entries for Reach Academy Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tap, Street Dance Class

Tap, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Feltham Footstompers

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Amanda Harvey-Tench, Richard Wyn
Tel: 01895 832351
Email: Feltham Footstompers.
All Entries for Feltham Footstompers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/6/2004)
B<> Feltham Assembly Hall, Feltham Park, Hounslow Road, Feltham, Gt London, TW14 9DN
All Entries for Feltham Assembly Hall Venue. Junction of A312 and A244. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice. Admission £4.50. Licensed Bar.Children £3. A cash draw every week. Various DJs, including Richard Edlin. As from January 8th, 2002 our instructor in residence will be Amanda Harvey-Tench (Choreographer, Instructor and all round nice person).

Feltham Assembly Hall

Dance Hall for Hire, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Ballroom.
All Entries for Feltham Assembly Hall Organisation.
(Last Edited: 30/7/2000)
B< Feltham Assembly Hall, Feltham Park, Hounslow Road, Feltham, Gt London, TW14 9DN
All Entries for Feltham Assembly Hall Venue. Junction of A312 and A244. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Modern Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Ballroom Practice. Admission £4.00. Popular & friendly. Good music.
Heston, London (2compassmiles)

Dancenergy West

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Sue Wilkinson, Maggie
Tel: 01344 485097
All Entries for Dancenergy West Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/5/2004)
EHeston Village Hall, Heston, Gt London
All Entries for Heston Village Hall Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level. Admission £3.50. £3.50 for whole evening.
Line Dance Class
Line Practice at Beginner to Intermediate level. Admission £3.50. £3.50 for whole evening.
Hounslow, London (2compassmiles)

West Star Western Gear

Western Wear. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner.
Tel: (020) 8570 6575
All Entries for West Star Western Gear Organisation.
(Last Edited: 21/10/1998)
FWest Star Western Gear, 167 Staines Road, Hounslow, Gt London, TW3 3JB
All Entries for West Star Western Gear Venue.
 Line Dance Class
Line, CW Couples, CW Partner Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Sunbury on Thames, London (2compassmiles)
Teresa and Tracey

T'n'T Dance

Line Dance classes in the Sunbury-on-Thames area. We try to keep up with the latest dances. Extremely friendly and laid back class. Teresa teaches and Tracey is the D.J. Monthly socials.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Teresa Kearney, Tracey
Tel: 0208 890 0256, 0781 4441458
Email: T'n'T Dance.
All Entries for T'n'T Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 30/8/2011)
G> Kenyngton Manor School, Bryony Way, Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames, Gt London, TW16 7QL
All Entries for Kenyngton Manor School Venue. Car Parking. (near Sunbury Cross and East end of M3) Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver to Advanced level, Practice. Admission £6.00. Bring your own drinks.Money-prize raffle.

Border Line Dance Club

(commencing February 2000)
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Allen & Wendy
Tel: (020) 8994 4296, 07946 534 213
All Entries for Border Line Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/12/1999)
G<> Kenyngton Manor School, Bryony Way, Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames, Gt London, TW16 7QL
All Entries for Kenyngton Manor School Venue. Car Parking. (near Sunbury Cross and East end of M3) Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Practice. Admission £4.00. Bring your own drinks.Raffle and Snacks. Held on the First Friday of each month, with our DJ "The Celtic Cowboy".
Choreography Books, Videos and other Merchandise by RRP and leading US instructor Jo Thompson available. See web site for up and coming events, tours, Evenin` Star boots, Kippys belts and Accessories.
Footwear, DJ & Disco, Accessories, Jewellery, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Band/Artist Merchandise. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner. Mail Order Available.
Contact: Alan Livett
Tel: (020) 8241 6434, 07956 570734
Fax: (020) 8785 2652
Email: Renegade Ranch Productions.
All Entries for Renegade Ranch Productions Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/4/2005)
G< Kenyngton Manor School, Bryony Way, Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames, Gt London, TW16 7QL
All Entries for Kenyngton Manor School Venue. Car Parking. (near Sunbury Cross and East end of M3) Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice. Bring your own drinks.Music will be a mixture, but if you don't like the cool funky latest stuff, then you'll hate it.
Whitton, London (2compassmiles)

First Steps

Classes in Richmond and Twickenham
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Ballroom.
Contact: Beryl Lywood
Tel: 020 8894 4482
All Entries for First Steps Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
HFirst Steps, 193 Waverley Avenue, Whitton, Gt London, TW2 6DJ
All Entries for First Steps Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom Dance Class

Latin American, Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Ashford, London (3compassmiles)
One of the premier inland dinghy and windsurfing racing clubs, Queen Mary's large sailing water is ideal for racing or just having fun. Large clubhouse with changing rooms, hot showers, wet bar, lounge, bar, restaurant and wooden dance floor.
Dance Hall for Hire. Dance Styles: All.
Tel: 01784 248881
Fax: 01784 252772
Email: Queen Mary Sailing Club .
All Entries for Queen Mary Sailing Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2001)
IQueen Mary Reservoir Sailing Club, Queen Mary Reservoir, Ashford, Gt London, TW15 1UA
All Entries for Queen Mary Reservoir Sailing Club Venue. Car Parking. Junction of A308 and the Ashford Road, Middlesex. Superb wooden dance floor, bar, spectacular views over the reservoir. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Dance Class

All Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Lets All Dance

Lets All Dance

 Run regular classes in Hook, Fleet, Basingstoke - Hampshire. Kingston - Surrey. Ashford - Middx (Ashford Dance Club). We teach all levels, aims, ages. ISTD, UKA, IDTA qualified family of teachers. Speciality Ballroom, Latin, Salsa, Linedancing, Latin Line, Freestyle Disco, Rock n Roll, Jive, Wedding Dances, Corporate Events. Private Coaching, Weekly Dance Events, Demonstrations /​ Cabaret.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Corporate Entertainment, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Jive.
Contacts: M. St. Vincent, June & Derek
Tel: 01256 762638, 01276 475680
Email: Lets All Dance.
All Entries for Lets All Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/8/2014)
J> Ashford Community Centre, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 3JY (near Staines)
All Entries for Ashford Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice.
Lets All Dance

Lets All Dance

 Run regular classes in Hook, Fleet, Basingstoke - Hampshire. Kingston - Surrey. Ashford - Middx (Ashford Dance Club). We teach all levels, aims, ages. ISTD, UKA, IDTA qualified family of teachers. Speciality Ballroom, Latin, Salsa, Linedancing, Latin Line, Freestyle Disco, Rock n Roll, Jive, Wedding Dances, Corporate Events. Private Coaching, Weekly Dance Events, Demonstrations /​ Cabaret.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Corporate Entertainment, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Jive.
Contacts: M. St. Vincent, June & Derek
Tel: 01256 762638, 01276 475680
Email: Lets All Dance.
All Entries for Lets All Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/8/2014)
J<> Ashford Community Centre, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 3JY (near Staines)
All Entries for Ashford Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice.
Lets All Dance

Lets All Dance

 Run regular classes in Hook, Fleet, Basingstoke - Hampshire. Kingston - Surrey. Ashford - Middx (Ashford Dance Club). We teach all levels, aims, ages. ISTD, UKA, IDTA qualified family of teachers. Speciality Ballroom, Latin, Salsa, Linedancing, Latin Line, Freestyle Disco, Rock n Roll, Jive, Wedding Dances, Corporate Events. Private Coaching, Weekly Dance Events, Demonstrations /​ Cabaret.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Corporate Entertainment, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Jive.
Contacts: M. St. Vincent, June & Derek
Tel: 01256 762638, 01276 475680
Email: Lets All Dance.
All Entries for Lets All Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/8/2014)
J< Ashford Community Centre, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Surrey, TW15 3JY (near Staines)
All Entries for Ashford Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice. With Lorna.
07 Sep 10

Julie Baily

Linedance classes in Middlesex (West London).
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Julie Baily
Tel: 07958 455403
Email: Julie Baily.
All Entries for Julie Baily Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/8/2010)
KSt Michael's Parish Hall, Clarendon Road, Ashford, Gt London, TW15 2QD
All Entries for St Michael's Parish Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

New Linedance Class

Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice at Complete Novice to Beginner level.
Hampton, London (3compassmiles)


Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Tel: (020) 8894 7490
All Entries for 286 Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/2/1999)
L> Carlisle School, Broad Lane, Hampton, Gt London
All Entries for Carlisle School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction. Admission £3.00.

T-Bone Shufflers

A great club especially for kids. All the kids who attend pass each dance they learn and gain a certificate - dancing is performed to country and current chart music.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Andrew Cook, Teresa
Tel: 0208 941 1018
All Entries for T-Bone Shufflers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/5/2000)
L<> Carlisle School, Broad Lane, Hampton, Gt London
All Entries for Carlisle School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice. Admission £3.00. For under 16's.

T-Bone Shufflers

A great club especially for kids. All the kids who attend pass each dance they learn and gain a certificate - dancing is performed to country and current chart music.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Andrew Cook, Teresa
Tel: 0208 941 1018
All Entries for T-Bone Shufflers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/5/2000)
L< Carlisle School, Broad Lane, Hampton, Gt London
All Entries for Carlisle School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver to Intermediate level, Practice. Admission £3.00. For under 16's.
Heston, London (3compassmiles)
The Ellis-Parr Irish Dance Academy is a family run school in West London where Irish Dance is taught to children of all ages and abilities. The school is run by Lizzie Ellis-Parr, who is a former World Champion and fully qualified TCRG. We tailor our classes for the needs of our dancers and work closely with them to help them achieve their goals. Classes in Kilburn,West drayton, Heston and white city
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Irish Step, Irish Dance.
Contacts: Lizzie Ellis-Parr, Fran Patterson
Tel: 07590 435 078, 07958751567
All Entries for Ellis-Parr Irish Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/2/2013)
MPope John Centre, Heston, Gt London, TW5 0HB
All Entries for Pope John Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Irish Dance Class

Irish Step, Irish Instruction, Practice. All ages & abilities.
Shepperton, London (3compassmiles)
Jo Field School of Dance

Jo Field School of Dance

 Jo started dance classes at the age of 3 years old. She progressed through various dance examinations whilst studying at school. After finishing dance at college, Jo turned professional and secured her first contract abroad. Dancing in Greece, Jo formed her own dance troop who went on to perform together for a year. Jo then moved to Japan where she danced in Cabaret and appeared in various shows and television productions. After Japan, Jo moved to Spain, dancing at 'BCM' and other venues...
Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Dancercise, Freestyle Dance, Gymnastic Dance, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Hip-Hop, Break Dance. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: J Field
All Entries for Jo Field School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 22/2/2017)
NOld School Building, Charlton Road, Shepperton, Gt London
All Entries for Old School Building Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Stage, Dancercise, Freestyle, Gymnastic, Contemporary, Street, Hip-Hop, Break Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. For further details: Info.
Sunbury, London (3compassmiles)

St Ignatius School

Dance Hall for Hire. Dance Styles: All.
Tel: 01932 785396
All Entries for St Ignatius School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 31/3/2000)
O> St. Ignatius School, Green Street, Sunbury, Gt London, TW16 6QG
All Entries for St. Ignatius School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
  Dance Class
All Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.


Member BWDA.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Sharon Dalton
Tel: 01784 243591
All Entries for Westliners Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/2/1999)
O< St. Ignatius School, Green Street, Sunbury, Gt London, TW16 6QG
All Entries for St. Ignatius School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level. Admission £2.00.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver level. Admission £2.00.


Member BWDA.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Sharon Dalton
Tel: 01784 243591
All Entries for Westliners Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/2/1999)
PKingscroft School, Sunbury, Gt London
All Entries for Kingscroft School Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Beginner level. Admission £2.00.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver level. Admission £4.00.
Sunbury on Thames, London (3compassmiles)

Nya Fogden

Dance and Exercise: Whether you want to learn to dance like the pop stars, enjoy a fun form of exercise, re-live your youth, or really stretch yourself and improve your physique, we offer various forms of dance tuition. Pop Star parties: We run parties for children aged between 5 to 13 years in the Surrey, Berkshire and West/​South West London areas. Our office is currently in Richmond. Popstar Parties is run by Nya Fogden who is a qualified and experienced dance teacher.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Event & Party Suppliers, Performances, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance.
Contact: Nya Fogden
Tel: 0208 878 7817, 07931 321636
All Entries for Nya Fogden Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/4/2006)
Q> Sunbury Manor School, Nursery Road, Sunbury on Thames, Kingston, Gt London, TW16 6LG no smoke sign
All Entries for Sunbury Manor School Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Jazz Dance Class

Jazz Instruction. £48.00 for all sessions.This class is in Kew. Ballet, jazz and tap for adults. Also private lessons available.

Nya Fogden

Dance and Exercise: Whether you want to learn to dance like the pop stars, enjoy a fun form of exercise, re-live your youth, or really stretch yourself and improve your physique, we offer various forms of dance tuition. Pop Star parties: We run parties for children aged between 5 to 13 years in the Surrey, Berkshire and West/​South West London areas. Our office is currently in Richmond. Popstar Parties is run by Nya Fogden who is a qualified and experienced dance teacher.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Event & Party Suppliers, Performances, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance.
Contact: Nya Fogden
Tel: 0208 878 7817, 07931 321636
All Entries for Nya Fogden Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/4/2006)
Q< Sunbury Manor School, Nursery Road, Sunbury on Thames, Kingston, Gt London, TW16 6LG no smoke sign
All Entries for Sunbury Manor School Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Jazz Dance Class
Jazz Instruction at Intermediate level. Admission £5.00. Fun, friendly open jazz class for all ages and abilities. Different dance each week of various styles. Just pay when you come - no course fees.
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