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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Langwith Junction, Derbyshire.


Harlequin Studios, East View, Langwith Junction, Notts


Gilmarden Allstars, 66 Slant Lane, Mansfield

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.

Harlequin Studios, East View, Langwith Junction, Notts


Gilmarden Allstars, 66 Slant Lane, Mansfield

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.
Langwith Junction, Derbyshire
Classes also inBolsover
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Gymnastic Dance, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Contact: Debra Thomas
Tel: 01623 744779
All Entries for Harlequin School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 14/11/2007)
AHarlequin Studios, East View, Langwith Junction, Derbyshire, NG20 9AA (near Notts)
All Entries for Harlequin Studios Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Gymnastic, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Mansfield, Leicestershire (3compassmiles)

Gilmarden Allstars

Classes in Dunham-on-Trent and Shirebrook
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Stage Dance, Scottish Dance, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom.
Contact: Gillian Darby
Tel: 01623 472550
All Entries for Gilmarden Allstars Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/11/2007)
BGilmarden Allstars, 66 Slant Lane, Mansfield, Leicestershire, NG19 8EZ
All Entries for Gilmarden Allstars Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Salsa, Stage Dance Class

Line, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Stage, Scottish, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Results Page: 1 
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