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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Litlington, Cambridgeshire.


Redwood Lodge, South Street, Litlington, Herts.


Litlington Recreation Centre, Litlington, Cambridge


Bassingbourn Community Centre, Bassingbourn, Royston


Steeple Morden Village Hall, Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Royston


The Studio, Lumen Road Ind. Estate, Lumen Road, Royston


Royston Scout HQ, Barkway Street, Royston


Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston

The results in the table below are all within 0-5 miles of target.

Redwood Lodge, South Street, Litlington, Herts.


Litlington Recreation Centre, Litlington, Cambridge


Bassingbourn Community Centre, Bassingbourn, Royston


Steeple Morden Village Hall, Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Royston


The Studio, Lumen Road Ind. Estate, Lumen Road, Royston


Royston Scout HQ, Barkway Street, Royston


Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston

The results in the table below are all within 0-5 miles of target.
Litlington, Cambridgeshire
Classes in Papworth Everard and Steeple Morden
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom.
Tel: 01763 878245
All Entries for Harriet Walmesley Organisation.
(Last Edited: 14/11/2007)
ARedwood Lodge, South Street, Litlington, Cambridgeshire, SG8 0QR (near Herts.)
All Entries for Redwood Lodge Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Classical Sequence, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Line Dancing is a fun form of low-impact exercise suitable for all ages. I teach both easy classics and harder new dances, to New Country music and also chart pop and rock music. Beginners are particularly welcome. It's never too late to learn to dance! We are also a small, encouraging dance school offering classes for children and young adults in Tap, Jazz and Linedancing, as well as a friendly adult Line dancing class.
GCSE and A Level Tuition, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Event & Party Suppliers, Notation, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Contemporary Dance.
Contact: Naomi
Tel: 07957 103093
Email: Naomi's Line Dancing.
All Entries for Naomi's Line Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 20/11/2012)
BLitlington Recreation Centre, Litlington, Cambridgeshire (near Cambridge)
All Entries for Litlington Recreation Centre Venue.

Line Dance Class

Line Instruction.
Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire
Principal: Lisa Oakman MRB Soc. (Int. T.) After vocational training at the Legat Ballet School, Lisa went on to perform professionally with various companies including 'Mazeppa'. Her own pupils can enter dance festivals & perform at local fetes etc.
Dance College, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Lisa Oakman
Tel: 01763 260851
Email: Lisa Rusay Dance School.
All Entries for Lisa Rusay Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/10/2004)
C> Bassingbourn Community Centre, Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire (near Royston)
All Entries for Bassingbourn Community Centre Venue.

Tap Dance Class

Tap Instruction. Contact organiser for times and further details. For 4 years and over. ISTD Tap taught by Naomi.

Jazz Dance Class

Jazz Instruction. Contact organiser for times and further details. For 6 years and over. Jazz is taught by Miss Lisa.
Line Dancing is a fun form of low-impact exercise suitable for all ages. I teach both easy classics and harder new dances, to New Country music and also chart pop and rock music. Beginners are particularly welcome. It's never too late to learn to dance! We are also a small, encouraging dance school offering classes for children and young adults in Tap, Jazz and Linedancing, as well as a friendly adult Line dancing class.
GCSE and A Level Tuition, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Event & Party Suppliers, Notation, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Contemporary Dance.
Contact: Naomi
Tel: 07957 103093
Email: Naomi's Line Dancing.
All Entries for Naomi's Line Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 20/11/2012)
C< Bassingbourn Community Centre, Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire (near Royston)
All Entries for Bassingbourn Community Centre Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction.
Steeple Morden, Hertfordshire (2compassmiles)
Get in the Swing

Get in the Swing

 Teaching Savoy Style Lindy Hop & 20's Partner Charleston every Tuesday in Steeple Morden on the borders of North Herts & Cambs, also every Wednesday in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. All classes have a friendly & relaxed atmosphere. See website for latest classes, workshops & events.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Swing Dance, Jive, Charleston.
Contact: Paul & Debbie Jackson
Tel: 01763 242949
All Entries for Get in the Swing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/2/2016)
D> Steeple Morden Village Hall, Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Hertfordshire, SG8 0PE (near Royston)
All Entries for Steeple Morden Village Hall Venue. Off A505 between Royston & Baldock. The village hall is situated at the back of the recreation ground with plenty of space for car parking. Inside the hall is quite spacious with a kitchen, meeting room, small stage & a wooden dance floor. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Lindy Hop Dance Class

Lindy Hop Instruction at Beginner to Improver level. Admission £5.00. 4 month Lindy Hop Courses teaching: 6 count swing-jive moves, side by side & reverse Charleston, 8 count moves inc. swing outs, lindy turns & circles + some jazz step moves. (see website for new course dates)
Lindy Hop Dance Class
Lindy Hop, Swing Practice at Complete Novice to Advanced level.
Lindy Hop Dance Class
Lindy Hop Instruction at Intermediate to Int/Advanced level. Admission £5.00. 8 count moves & variations, Jazz step moves Charleston variations &, choreographed moves. (must be able to do a lindy turn/circle & swing out)
Lindy Hop Dance Class
Lindy Hop, Swing, Charleston Practice at Complete Novice to Advanced level.
Get in the Swing

Get in the Swing

 Teaching Savoy Style Lindy Hop & 20's Partner Charleston every Tuesday in Steeple Morden on the borders of North Herts & Cambs, also every Wednesday in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. All classes have a friendly & relaxed atmosphere. See website for latest classes, workshops & events.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Swing Dance, Jive, Charleston.
Contact: Paul & Debbie Jackson
Tel: 01763 242949
All Entries for Get in the Swing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/2/2016)
D< Steeple Morden Village Hall, Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Hertfordshire, SG8 0PE (near Royston)
All Entries for Steeple Morden Village Hall Venue. Off A505 between Royston & Baldock. The village hall is situated at the back of the recreation ground with plenty of space for car parking. Inside the hall is quite spacious with a kitchen, meeting room, small stage & a wooden dance floor. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Lindy Hop Dance Class
Lindy Hop, Swing, Charleston Practice at Complete Novice to Advanced level.
Lindy Hop Dance Class
Lindy Hop, Swing, Charleston Practice at Complete Novice to Advanced level.
Royston, Hertfordshire (3compassmiles)
The Stephanie Prior School of Dancing is one of the most successful and longest running dance schools in Hertfordshire, Its Principal, Tara Prior, is a Licentiate Member of The National Association of Teachers of Dancing. Tara provides first class teaching and opportunities to anyone from the age of 3 upwards. She teaches a combination of skills which allows students to experience technique with creativity, and produces work of a very high standard. She also makes it enjoyable and fun to learn!
Private Coaching, Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Shows and Concerts, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Latin American, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Freestyle Dance, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Modern Dance, Contemporary Dance, Acro, Ballroom, Fitness, Street Dance, Lyrical, Ballet (English), Singing. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Tara Prior
Tel: 01763 878587
All Entries for Stephanie Prior School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 13/7/2021)
EBased at: The Studio, Lumen Road Ind. Estate, Lumen Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7AG no smoke sign
Website. All Entries for The Studio Venue. Car Parking. The school is on the right side as you enter the estate on the site of the former 'Royston Fan Co.' The building has been completely renovated to allow room for a reception, lounge, changing facilities and 2 studios, of 108sqm & 90sqm. with Maple flooring Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Ballroom, Street Dance Class

Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Ballet, Jazz, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz (Viennese), Rumba, Samba, Tango (Ballroom), Quickstep, Freestyle, Jive (Ballroom), Contemporary, Ballroom, Fitness, Street, Lyrical, Jive, Tango, Ballet (English) Competition, Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. Non-Alcoholic Bar.
Weekly classes in ROYSTON Herts, POTTON Beds, WHITTLESFORD Cambs. Learn routines danced to a wide variety of music including -LATIN-POP-JAZZ-CELTIC-CHART HITS-FUNK-COUNTRY & much more. Suitable for ALL ages; NO PARTNER required. Both DAYTIME & EVENING classes from ABSOLUTE BEGINNER to INTERMEDIATE level. NULINE IS AN EXCELLENT WAY TO LEARN DANCE WHILST KEEPING THE BODY & MIND FIT. For the latest info: Speak to Sue on:(01767)654992.
DJ & Disco, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Corporate Entertainment, Workshops. Dance Styles: All.
Contact: Sue Hutchison
Tel: (01767) 654992
All Entries for Nuline Dance (Countyline Dance Club) Organisation.
(Last Edited: 5/9/2011)
FRoyston Scout HQ, Barkway Street, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9EE
All Entries for Royston Scout HQ Venue. Opposite Bus Station. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice at Complete Novice to Beginner level.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver to Intermediate level, Practice at Improver to Intermediate level.
11 Sep 15
Belly Dance classes in Cambridge and Royston for complete beginners through to intermediate level belly dancers. Belly dance is a great way to improve posture, muscle tone and over all sense of well being. Courses are 10 weeks long and run during term time Beginners £60 , Improver level upwards £75 Mondays: beginners 18:15-19:15 Improvers 19:30-21:00 at St Pauls Hilld Rd, Cambs Fridays: Beginners 18:30-19:30 at Coombes Community Centre, Royston
Regular Dance Classes, Performances, Workshops. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Louise Ellison
All Entries for Cambridge School of Belly Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 9/9/2015)
GCoombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, sg8 5pt
All Entries for Coombes Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Beginners Belly Dance Taster class

Belly Workshop, Instruction at Beginner level, Practice at Beginner level, Social Dancing at Beginner level. Doors open 18:15. Admission £5.00. Bring your own drinks. For further details: Info. (Friday 11th September) Come and get your shimmy on Friday night at Coombes Community Centre! In this workshop you will be introduced to the glorious art of Egyptian belly dance, from Earth shattering shimmies to sensual snake arms. Suitable for all shapes, sizes and fitness levels, no dance experience is needed and bare tummies are not essential! Belly dance is a great way to improve posture and muscle tone and a fantastic way to help boost your body confidence! The cost is just £5 and there is no need to book, just turn up
Melbourn, Cambridgeshire (5compassmiles)
Principal: Lisa Oakman MRB Soc. (Int. T.) After vocational training at the Legat Ballet School, Lisa went on to perform professionally with various companies including 'Mazeppa'. Her own pupils can enter dance festivals & perform at local fetes etc.
Dance College, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Lisa Oakman
Tel: 01763 260851
Email: Lisa Rusay Dance School.
All Entries for Lisa Rusay Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/10/2004)
H?, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire (near Cambridge)
All Entries for ? Venue.

Ballet (Cecchetti) Dance Class

Ballet (Cecchetti) Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details. For 3 years and over. Russian style Ballet taught by Miss Lisa using the Legat system, to examination standard (held annually). Full dance productions are regularly produced on stage at Melbourn and Bassingbourn Village Colleges.
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