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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Livingston, Strathclyde.


Deer Park Golf & Country Club, Golf Course Road, Livingston


East Calder Community Education Centre, 143 Main Street, East Calder

The results in the table below are all within 0-4 miles of target.

Deer Park Golf & Country Club, Golf Course Road, Livingston


East Calder Community Education Centre, 143 Main Street, East Calder

The results in the table below are all within 0-4 miles of target.
Livingston, Strathclyde

Edinburgh Dance School

 Join the party and get fit !! The Edinburgh Dance School Ballroom & Latin Dance Team would love you to join them in their new Social Dancing classes. With dance classes now covering a wider area, EDS Ballroom & Latin continues to go from strength to strength. Dance instructors Felicity Drever, Nuno Galante & Frederico Ribeiro all have many years of experience at the very top levels of Ballroom & Latin Dance in competition, display, choreography and teaching...
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballroom, Mixed Social Dance.
Tel: 07703 483 809
Email: Edinburgh Dance School.
All Entries for Edinburgh Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 23/3/2015)
ADeer Park Golf & Country Club, Golf Course Road, Livingston, Strathclyde, EH54 8AB
All Entries for Deer Park Golf & Country Club Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Latin American, Ballet, Tap, Stage, Junior, Pre-School, Ballroom, Mixed Social Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
East Calder, West Yorkshire (4compassmiles)
small, friendly family run dance school in East Calder. The pupils have options to take part in exams and displays. Our classes are taught by qualified and insured dance teachers and we follow the UKA dance syllabus. If you are interested and would like more information please check out our facebook page or contact us to book a place. First classes in each style are free to see which style best suits, we offer discounts for pupils who attend more than 1 class per week.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Disco Dance, Tap Dance, Scottish Highland Dance, Scottish National Dance, Freestyle Dance, Junior Dance.
Contacts: Fiona Mears, Alison Thomson
Tel: 07786438456, 07833681008
Email: Fiona Thomson School Of Dance.
All Entries for Fiona Thomson School Of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/5/2018)
B> East Calder Community Education Centre, 143 Main Street, East Calder, West Yorkshire, EH53 0EP
All Entries for East Calder Community Education Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tap Dance Class

Tap, Junior, Pre-School Instruction. Bring your own drinks.Tap class for children aged 5+

Disco Dance Class

Disco, Junior, Pre-School Instruction. Freestyle disco for children aged 5+

Jazz Dance Class

Jazz, Freestyle Instruction. Freestyle disco class for pupils high school +
Tap Dance Class
Tap Instruction. Tap class for high school pupils +
small, friendly family run dance school in East Calder. The pupils have options to take part in exams and displays. Our classes are taught by qualified and insured dance teachers and we follow the UKA dance syllabus. If you are interested and would like more information please check out our facebook page or contact us to book a place. First classes in each style are free to see which style best suits, we offer discounts for pupils who attend more than 1 class per week.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Disco Dance, Tap Dance, Scottish Highland Dance, Scottish National Dance, Freestyle Dance, Junior Dance.
Contacts: Fiona Mears, Alison Thomson
Tel: 07786438456, 07833681008
Email: Fiona Thomson School Of Dance.
All Entries for Fiona Thomson School Of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/5/2018)
B< East Calder Community Education Centre, 143 Main Street, East Calder, West Yorkshire, EH53 0EP
All Entries for East Calder Community Education Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Highland dance class

Scottish Highland, Scottish National Instruction. Highland dance classes for children and adults of all levels age 5+

Adult Tap

Tap Instruction Dancing. Adult Tap dancing lessons for beginners up to advanced for fun and exercise!
Results Page: 1 
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