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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Longstone, Cambridgeshire.


St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge


?, Cambridge


Chesterton Ballet School, 55 Edinburgh Road, Cambridge


Friends' Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge


Granta Morris, 92 Histon Road, Cambridge


?, Cambridge


Ernulf School, Cambridge


St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge


?, Cambridge


Chesterton Ballet School, 55 Edinburgh Road, Cambridge


Friends' Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge


Granta Morris, 92 Histon Road, Cambridge


?, Cambridge


Ernulf School, Cambridge

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Our classes are open to all (non-students welcome). Over the summer, most classes cost £3.00 each, with no up-front fee. The CDC is the largest dance club in Europe, with > 2000 members. See website for current schedule of classes and special events.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Swing Dance, Ballroom, Dancesport.
Contact: Chris Newton
Email: Cambridge Dancers' Club.
All Entries for Cambridge Dancers' Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/6/2004)
A> St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EL
All Entries for St. Columbas Hall Venue. Corner of Downing Street & Downing Place; opposite Holiday Inn.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Swing, Ballroom, Dancesport Instruction, Practice.

Cambridge Morris Men

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Morris Dance.
Contact: Graham Cox
Tel: 01223 500373
All Entries for Cambridge Morris Men Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
B> ?, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for ? Venue.

Morris Dance Class

Morris Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Chesterton Ballet School

Dance College, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet.
Contact: Susan Pocock
Tel: 01223 366588
All Entries for Chesterton Ballet School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 31/10/2003)
CBased at: Chesterton Ballet School, 55 Edinburgh Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1QR
All Entries for Chesterton Ballet School Venue.

Ballet Dance Class

Ballet Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Circle Dancing

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Circle Dance.
Tel: 01223 501908
All Entries for Circle Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
DFriends' Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Friends' Meeting House Venue.

Circle Dance Class

Circle Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
 Circle Dance Class
Circle Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
 Circle Dance Class
Circle Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
 Circle Dance Class
Circle Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Granta Morris

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Dance.
Contact: J Coxhead
Tel: 01223 63779, 01223 564393
All Entries for Granta Morris Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
EBased at: Granta Morris, 92 Histon Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Granta Morris Venue.

Modern Dance Class

Modern Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Liberty Squares Square Dance Club

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Square Dance.
Contact: Peter Chapman
Tel: 01638 780799
All Entries for Liberty Squares Square Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
F?, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for ? Venue.

Square Dance Class

Square Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Principal: Lisa Oakman MRB Soc. (Int. T.) After vocational training at the Legat Ballet School, Lisa went on to perform professionally with various companies including 'Mazeppa'. Her own pupils can enter dance festivals & perform at local fetes etc.
Dance College, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Lisa Oakman
Tel: 01763 260851
Email: Lisa Rusay Dance School.
All Entries for Lisa Rusay Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/10/2004)
B< ?, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for ? Venue.

Line Dance Class

Line Instruction. Various venues & days.

Majestic Majorettes

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Junior Dance.
Contact: Tina Wood
Tel: 01480 216183
All Entries for Majestic Majorettes Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
GErnulf School, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Ernulf School Venue.

Junior Dance Class

Junior Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Morris in the Maze

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Morris Dance.
Contact: Ilsa & Roy Pedler
Tel: 01799 541880
All Entries for Morris in the Maze Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
H?, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for ? Venue.
 Morris Dance Class
Morris Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Netherhall Sequence Dance Club

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence.
Contact: L Ingrey
Tel: 01353 862567
All Entries for Netherhall Sequence Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
IBased at: Netherhall Sequence Dance Club, 21 Kingsmead Court, Victoria Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Netherhall Sequence Dance Club Venue.

Modern Sequence Dance Class

Modern Sequence Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Scottish Country Dance, Scottish Dance.
Contact: S Nedderman
Tel: 01223 353869
All Entries for Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
JBased at: Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, 17a Clarkson Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Venue.

Scottish Country Dance Class

Scottish Country, Scottish Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Traditional Irish Dancing

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Irish Dance.
Contact: B Cafferkey
Tel: 01223 504080
All Entries for Traditional Irish Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
KBased at: Traditional Irish Dancing, 4 St Thomas' Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 3TF
All Entries for Traditional Irish Dancing Venue.

Irish Dance Class

Irish Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Walk 'n' Dodge American Square DC

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Square Dance.
Contact: Peter O'Donald
Tel: 01223 363532
All Entries for Walk 'n' Dodge American Square DC Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
L?, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for ? Venue.
 Square Dance Class
Square Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Cambridge International Club

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: International Dance.
Contact: Michael Gilbert
Tel: 01223 425648
All Entries for Cambridge International Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
A<> St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EL
All Entries for St. Columbas Hall Venue. Corner of Downing Street & Downing Place; opposite Holiday Inn.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

International Dance Class

International Instruction. Not Bank Holidays.

Lady Adrian Old Time and Sequence

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Classical Sequence.
Contact: Mr & Mrs Sweet
Tel: 01223 873039
All Entries for Lady Adrian Old Time and Sequence Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
MLady Adrian School, Courtenay Way, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Lady Adrian School Venue. off Gilbert Road.
Modern Sequence Dance Class
Modern Sequence, Classical Sequence Dancing. Contact organiser for further details. Term time.

Mayflower Folk Club

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Folk Dance.
Contact: Joy Rutherford
Tel: 01223 365149
All Entries for Mayflower Folk Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
NPortland Arms, Mitcham's Corner, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Portland Arms Venue.

Folk Dance Class

Folk Dancing. Contact organiser for further details.

Cambridge CMC

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: CW Couples, CW Partner.
Tel: 01223 366962
All Entries for Cambridge CMC Organisation.
(Last Edited: 9/11/1999)
OCambridge United FC, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Cambridge United FC Venue.

CW Couples Dance Class

CW Couples, CW Partner Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
The Society was founded in 1936. Its aims are to stimulate interest in Scottish traditions, life and culture, and to support worthy charities. The usual Scottish social events are held, and in addition, members' evenings, garden parties, walks etc...
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Scottish Country Dance, Scottish Dance.
Contact: Donald Wilson
Tel: 01954 210683, 01223 245820
Email: Cambridge Scottish Society.
All Entries for Cambridge Scottish Society Organisation.
(Last Edited: 7/7/2005)
P> Unitarian Church Hall, 5 Emmanuel Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Unitarian Church Hall Venue. At the corner of Emmanuel Road and Victoria Street. Near the Drummer Street Bus Station. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Scottish Country Dance Class
Scottish Country, Scottish Instruction, Practice. From September to June. The programme usually consists of ten dances, of which two are "repertoire" dances (not walked through), and one is the "dance of the month", repeated each week for a month. Dancing is generally to recorded music.
"Learn the correct technique and timing of Salsa - the most popular Latin dance world-wide! We teach all-style Salsa. You will be able to enjoy dancing not only in Cambridge but also in London, Paris, Rome, Cuba, Los Angeles, Sidney..."
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance.
Contact: Klaus Petritsch
Tel: 01223 520935
Email: Salsa Passion.
All Entries for Salsa Passion Organisation.
(Last Edited: 3/9/2001)
A<> St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EL
All Entries for St. Columbas Hall Venue. Corner of Downing Street & Downing Place; opposite Holiday Inn.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa Instruction at Complete Novice to Improver level. Admission £4.00. £6.00 for whole evening.Join any week, no booking in advance, no need to bring a partner (we swap frequently).
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Instruction at Intermediate to Advanced level. Admission £4.00. £6.00 for whole evening.Join any week, no booking in advance, no need to bring a partner (we swap frequently).
In addition to his personal involvement in the Latin Dance World, Nelson has performed in national theatre, having participated in the Danceworld 94 exposition. In 1992 he was called upon to choreograph "Salsa Celestina" at the Watford Theatre.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance.
Contact: Nelson Batista
Tel: 020 8350 6612, 07958 313 381
Email: Salsa Rico.
All Entries for Salsa Rico Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/4/2005)
A< St. Columbas Hall, 4 Downing Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EL
All Entries for St. Columbas Hall Venue. Corner of Downing Street & Downing Place; opposite Holiday Inn.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Instruction, Practice. Admission £6.00. All levels.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Instruction at Intermediate to Advanced level, Practice. Admission £5.00. Starting 29 April 2005.
Private club; membership required. You can join the first time you come and membership is free. Drinks etc are available to members. Held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, with Instruction, Practica & Salon sessions.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine).
Contacts: , Samantha Wynne
Tel: 01223 721344
Email: Tangamente.
All Entries for Tangamente Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/12/2002)
P< Unitarian Church Hall, 5 Emmanuel Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
All Entries for Unitarian Church Hall Venue. At the corner of Emmanuel Road and Victoria Street. Near the Drummer Street Bus Station. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tango (Argentine) Dance Class

Tango (Argentine) Instruction at Beginner level. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.
Tango (Argentine) Dance Class
Tango (Argentine) . 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Practica session; teachers are available for help.
Tango (Argentine) Dance Class
Tango (Argentine) Milonga. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Salon; open dance with soft lights, wonderful music, drinks and nibbles available.
Ernulf, Cambridgeshire

Ernulf Reel Club

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Irish Dance.
Contact: A Walker
Tel: 01480 218991
All Entries for Ernulf Reel Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
QErnulf Community School, Ernulf, Cambridgeshire (near Cambridge)
All Entries for Ernulf Community School Venue.
 Irish Dance Class
Irish Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Longstone, Cambridgeshire

Texas Rebels WDC

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Roger Cooper
Tel: 01223 242372
All Entries for Texas Rebels WDC Organisation.
(Last Edited: 21/1/1999)
RLongstone Village Hall, Longstone, Cambridgeshire (near Cambridge)
All Entries for Longstone Village Hall Venue.
 Line Dance Class
Line, CW Couples, CW Partner Instruction at Complete Novice level. Contact organiser for times and further details. Line, couple/partner and freestyle.
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