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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Lordswood, Kent.


Tunbury Hall, Catkin Close, Walderslade, Chatham


BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance), 94 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Vickys School of Dance, 10 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Bluebell Hill Village Hall, Robin Hood Lane, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Christ The King Church Hall, Princes Avenue, Bluebell Hill

The results in the table below are all within 1-4 miles of target.

Tunbury Hall, Catkin Close, Walderslade, Chatham


BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance), 94 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Vickys School of Dance, 10 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Bluebell Hill Village Hall, Robin Hood Lane, Bluebell Hill, Chatham


Christ The King Church Hall, Princes Avenue, Bluebell Hill

The results in the table below are all within 1-4 miles of target.
Walderslade, Kent
The Bluebell School of Dance provides lessons in Russian Ballet, Tap & Modern for children and adults: for 25 years in 2002! Principal: Suzanne Burnham-Jones, ANATD.
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Suzanne Burnham-Jones
Email: Bluebell School of Dance.
All Entries for Bluebell School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/5/2005)
A> Tunbury Hall, Catkin Close, Walderslade, Kent, ME5 9HP (near Chatham)
All Entries for Tunbury Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tap, Stage Dance Class

Tap, Stage, Modern, Junior, Pre-School, Ballet (Cecchetti) Instruction. Beg. Tap/Theatrecraft from 3 yrs; Primary Tap/Theatrecraft/Modern; Grade 1 Tap/Theatrecraft/Modern; Grade 2 Tap/Grade 2 Modern; Senior Tap and Modern Class; Lower/Upper 5 Ballet; Adult Tap/Dance Exercise; Adult Ballet. See web site for sched.
The Bluebell School of Dance provides lessons in Russian Ballet, Tap & Modern for children and adults: for 25 years in 2002! Principal: Suzanne Burnham-Jones, ANATD.
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Suzanne Burnham-Jones
Email: Bluebell School of Dance.
All Entries for Bluebell School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/5/2005)
A< Tunbury Hall, Catkin Close, Walderslade, Kent, ME5 9HP (near Chatham)
All Entries for Tunbury Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet (Cecchetti) Dance Class

Ballet (Cecchetti) Instruction. Ballet Upper Grade 4; Ballet Elementary/Associate. See web site for detailed current schedule.
The Bluebell School of Dance provides lessons in Russian Ballet, Tap & Modern for children and adults: for 25 years in 2002! Principal: Suzanne Burnham-Jones, ANATD.
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Suzanne Burnham-Jones
Email: Bluebell School of Dance.
All Entries for Bluebell School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/5/2005)
BSt. William's Church Hall, Walderslade, Kent
All Entries for St. William's Church Hall Venue.

Junior Dance Class

Junior, Pre-School, Ballet (Cecchetti) Instruction. Ballet "Baby" and Pre-Primary; Ballet Primary Exam Class; Ballet Lower Grade 1 - Lower Grades 5; Senior Ballet Class; See web site for detailed current schedule.
Bluebell Hill, Kent (2compassmiles)

BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance)

Classes in Gillingham
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Gymnastic Dance, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Contact: Helen McNally
Tel: 01634 683269
Email: BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance).
All Entries for BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance) Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
CBADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance), 94 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Kent, ME5 9RG (near Chatham)
All Entries for BADD (British Academy of Drama and Dance) Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Freestyle, Gymnastic, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Classes also in Hempstead and Maidstone
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Cheerleading.
Contact: Victoria Branton
Tel: 01634 682000
Email: Vickys School of Dance.
All Entries for Vickys School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
DVickys School of Dance, 10 Common Road, Bluebell Hill, Kent, ME5 9RG (near Chatham)
All Entries for Vickys School of Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom, Street Dance Class

Latin American, Freestyle, Ballroom, Street, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
The Bluebell School of Dance provides lessons in Russian Ballet, Tap & Modern for children and adults: for 25 years in 2002! Principal: Suzanne Burnham-Jones, ANATD.
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Suzanne Burnham-Jones
Email: Bluebell School of Dance.
All Entries for Bluebell School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/5/2005)
EBluebell Hill Village Hall, Robin Hood Lane, Bluebell Hill, Kent (near Chatham)
All Entries for Bluebell Hill Village Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Tap, Stage Dance Class
Tap, Stage, Modern Instruction. Tap/Theatrecraft/Modern Grades 2/3; Tap/Theatrecraft/Modern Grades 3/4; Tap/Theatrecraft/Modern Grades 4/5. See web site for detailed current schedule.
The Bluebell School of Dance provides lessons in Russian Ballet, Tap & Modern for children and adults: for 25 years in 2002! Principal: Suzanne Burnham-Jones, ANATD.
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti).
Contact: Suzanne Burnham-Jones
Email: Bluebell School of Dance.
All Entries for Bluebell School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/5/2005)
FChrist The King Church Hall, Princes Avenue, Bluebell Hill, Kent
All Entries for Christ The King Church Hall Venue.

Pre-School Dance Class

Pre-School, Ballet (Cecchetti) Instruction. Ballet Beginners Pre-Primary aged 3+; Ballet Primary (age 5+) / Lower Grade 1; Ballet Upper Grade 1 / Lower Grade 2; Ballet Grades 3/4; Senior Ballet; See web site for detailed current schedule.
Bredhurst, Kent (2compassmiles)
Monday Social dancing in Bredhurst Tuesday Beginner class at St Mary's Island Thursday Social Dancing St Mary's Island Friday Junior class Rainham
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Scottish Country Dance.
Contact: Tim Bowden
Tel: 01474 822919, 07967 023845
All Entries for Medway and District Caledonian Association Organisation.
(Last Edited: 13/9/2010)
GBredhurst Village Hall, Bredhurst, Kent
All Entries for Bredhurst Village Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Scottish Country Dance Class

Scottish Country Practice, Social Dancing.
Burham, Kent (2compassmiles)

Medway Cheerleading and Dance Academy

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Aerobic, Street Dance, Cheerleading.
Contact: Joleen Sture
Tel: 01634 302385, 07830 309505
All Entries for Medway Cheerleading and Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
HMedway Cheerleading and Dance Academy, 19 Phoenix Road, Burham, Kent, ME5 8SY (near Chatham)
All Entries for Medway Cheerleading and Dance Academy Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Street Dance Class

Aerobic, Street, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Burnham Blue Belles Dancing School

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Sandra Carfrae
Tel: 01634 682828
All Entries for Burnham Blue Belles Dancing School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
IBurnham Blue Belles Dancing School, 16 Court Road, Burham, Kent, ME1 3TA (near Rochester)
All Entries for Burnham Blue Belles Dancing School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Chatham, Kent (3compassmiles)

Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs

David is a D&G qualified instructor and a member of the NTA and the GPTD. Neon Rodeo is run by dancers specifically for dancers. We are a dance club that dances western dance not a western club that dances.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner.
Contact: David & Sandra Grant
Tel: 01634 315064, 07989 377005
All Entries for Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/8/2000)
JManor Club, Chatham, Kent
All Entries for Manor Club Venue. Huge wooden dance floor. The latest music videos on the giant projector screens.

Line Dance Class

Line, CW Couples, CW Partner Practice. Admission £4.00. The hottest kickin' linedance music anywhere. Probably the best sound and light show in the S/E. Latest dances taught by some of the country's best instructors. Resident DJ playing all the best line dance tracks. Dress to impress. Starts Sep 6.

Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs

David is a D&G qualified instructor and a member of the NTA and the GPTD. Neon Rodeo is run by dancers specifically for dancers. We are a dance club that dances western dance not a western club that dances.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner.
Contact: David & Sandra Grant
Tel: 01634 315064, 07989 377005
All Entries for Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/8/2000)
K> Chatham Masonic Hall, Manor Road, Chatham, Kent
All Entries for Chatham Masonic Hall Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level.

Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs

David is a D&G qualified instructor and a member of the NTA and the GPTD. Neon Rodeo is run by dancers specifically for dancers. We are a dance club that dances western dance not a western club that dances.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner.
Contact: David & Sandra Grant
Tel: 01634 315064, 07989 377005
All Entries for Neon Rodeo Western Dance Clubs Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/8/2000)
K< Chatham Masonic Hall, Manor Road, Chatham, Kent
All Entries for Chatham Masonic Hall Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line, CW Couples, CW Partner Practice. Bring your own drinks.Monthly Dance with Live Band, every second Saturday of the month. Western Stall, CD Stall. Western Dance Only
Gillingham, Kent (3compassmiles)

Footsies Dance Centre

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Aerobic, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Amanda Tooms-Peel
Tel: 01795 842116, 01634 573970
Email: Footsies Dance Centre.
All Entries for Footsies Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
LThe Studios, 125 Watling Street, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2YY
All Entries for The Studios Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Aerobic, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Rose School of Dancing

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom.
Tel: 01634 360105
All Entries for Rose School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
MRose School of Dancing, 8 Bearsted Close, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 6LS
All Entries for Rose School of Dancing Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Ballroom Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Freestyle, Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Kim Wood
Tel: 01634 578733, 07958 673558
Email: Splinters School of Dance.
All Entries for Splinters School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
NSplinters School of Dance, 113 Woodlands Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2DW
All Entries for Splinters School of Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Larkfield, Kent (3compassmiles)

The Dance Alley

Classes in Chatham
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Alison Plummer
Tel: 01622 718276
All Entries for The Dance Alley Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
OThe Dance Alley, 58 Perch Close, Larkfield, Kent, ME20 6TN (near Maidstone)
All Entries for The Dance Alley Venue.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Freestyle, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Rainham, Kent (3compassmiles)

Munn Academy of Dance

Classes also in Sidcup
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Gymnastic Dance, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Tel: 01634 234168
All Entries for Munn Academy of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
PMunn Academy of Dance, 20 Sandgate Court, Rainham, Kent, ME8 8TQ
All Entries for Munn Academy of Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Line, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Gymnastic, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Palair Dance School

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Latin American, Ballroom.
Contact: Ann Penney
Tel: 01634 366802
All Entries for Palair Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
QPalair Dance School, 91 Arthur Road, Rainham, Kent, ME8 9BX (near Gillingham)
All Entries for Palair Dance School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Latin American, Ballroom Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Rochester, Kent (3compassmiles)

Beverley School of Dancing

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Rosemarie Woolmer
Tel: 01634 844097
All Entries for Beverley School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
RBeverley School of Dancing, 22 Wilson Avenue, Rochester, Kent, ME1 2RH
All Entries for Beverley School of Dancing Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Dance Store UK is one of the largest dedicated dance shops in the UK. Stocking most styles of dance clothing & dance shoes. We have a professional Pointe Fitting Service. Latin & Ballroom, Salsa, Ceroc, Street, Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Pointe. Bloch, Freed, Dansport, Supadance, Roch Valley, Katz, Southpole and many other suppliers.
Dance Wear, Footwear, Accessories, Greetings Cards, Giftware. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Country Western, Ceroc, Pole Dance, Ice-Dance, Junior Dance, English Country Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance. Mail Order Available. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Michelle Reeve
Tel: 01634-811370
All Entries for Dance Store-UK Organisation.
(Last Edited: 14/10/2010)
SBased at: Dance Store UK, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ
Website. All Entries for Dance Store UK Venue. Car Parking. We are on the Top Floor of Dance Junction. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Salsa, Ballet Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Jazz, Stage, Country Western, Ceroc, Pole, Ice-Dance, Junior, English Country, Ballroom, Street Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Lafour Dance and Drama Schools

Lafour Dance and Drama Schools

 Lafour offers dance and drama classes within prestigious health and fitness clubs throughout the UK. The wide range of classes offered covers ballet, modern and tap, and in some locations includes drama, street and jazz classes. Classes start for three year olds with 1st Steps for this age group and progresses through to RAD Ballet and ISTD Modern and Tap classes for older children and teens. Drama classes are offered for 4-6 years and 7-9 year olds, covering singing drama and musical theatre.
Event Organiser, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Singing.
Tel: 0845 602 3347
Fax: 01594 826 906
Email: Lafour Dance and Drama Schools.
All Entries for Lafour Dance and Drama Schools Organisation.
(Last Edited: 23/6/2009)
T> Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ no smoke sign
All Entries for Dance Junction Venue. Dance Junction is a large building with seven dance studios / spaces. There is easy parking around the building. Most of the dance studios have a sprung floor and wall mirrors. Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Stage, Modern, Junior, Pre-School, Singing Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. Call our local call number 0845 602 3347.

The Drama Workshop Medway

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance.
Contact: Mrs Brownett
Tel: 01634 841472
All Entries for The Drama Workshop Medway Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
UThe Drama Workshop Medway, 82 Haig Avenue, Rochester, Kent, ME1 2RY
All Entries for The Drama Workshop Medway Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Stage Dance Class

Stage, Freestyle Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Classes and workshops in authentic Argentine Tango in Kent with experienced, professional teachers. Highly-respected school of tango in Canterbury, est. 2004. Teachers trained in Argentina and Europe with world-renowned tangueros. All styles of contemporary, authentic tango: salon, milonguero and tango nuevo, plus milonga & vals. Private tuition, wedding dances, beginners tango classes, workshops, courses, advanced tango classes, milongas and practicas. Visit
Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Milonga, Vals.
Contact: Jon & Sarah Cardwell Davies
Tel: 07761 785142, 01227 459225
All Entries for Argentine Tango South East Organisation.
(Last Edited: 22/8/2012)
T<> Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ no smoke sign
All Entries for Dance Junction Venue. Dance Junction is a large building with seven dance studios / spaces. There is easy parking around the building. Most of the dance studios have a sprung floor and wall mirrors. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Argentine tango classes & practica

Tango (Argentine), Milonga, Vals Instruction, Practice Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 01227 459225. We no longer teach Argentine Tango classes at Dance Junction. We do however teach Argentine tango in Canterbury, and you are welcome to join us: all levels welcome. Beginners tango classes, improver and intermediate tango classes and advanced tango classes all available. Plus special events and private tuition. Visit our website or contact us for more info.

Ceroc Kent

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Ceroc.
Contacts: David Watchorn, Virginia Woolf
Tel: 020 8466 5030
Email: Ceroc Kent.
All Entries for Ceroc Kent Organisation.
(Last Edited: 2/2/2007)
T<> Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ no smoke sign
All Entries for Dance Junction Venue. Dance Junction is a large building with seven dance studios / spaces. There is easy parking around the building. Most of the dance studios have a sprung floor and wall mirrors. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ceroc Dance Class

Ceroc Instruction, Practice.

Charlotte Desorgher

Belly dance classes in the Croydon area.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Charlotte Desorgher
Tel: 020 8656 2045, 01342 8502423
All Entries for Charlotte Desorgher Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/1/2005)
T<> Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ no smoke sign
All Entries for Dance Junction Venue. Dance Junction is a large building with seven dance studios / spaces. There is easy parking around the building. Most of the dance studios have a sprung floor and wall mirrors. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Belly Dance Class

Belly Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice.
Belly Dance Class
Belly Instruction at Improver to Intermediate level, Practice.
Zumba Classes for ages 16+ at Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Me1 3QJ. Every Tuesday at 8.15pm and every Thursday st 10.30am
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Fitness.
Contact: Gemma Quinnell
Email: Gemma Quinnell.
All Entries for Gemma Quinnell Organisation.
(Last Edited: 21/12/2009)
T< Dance Junction, 681 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3QJ no smoke sign
All Entries for Dance Junction Venue. Dance Junction is a large building with seven dance studios / spaces. There is easy parking around the building. Most of the dance studios have a sprung floor and wall mirrors. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Fitness Dance Class

Fitness Instruction, Practice. For 16+.
Chatham, Kent (4compassmiles)
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Contemporary Dance, Ballet (English), Singing.
Contact: Jackie Lynn
Tel: 01634 400177
Email: Starquest Performers College.
All Entries for Starquest Performers College Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2007)
VStarquest Performers College, 86 High Street, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4DS
All Entries for Starquest Performers College Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Contemporary, Ballet (English), Singing Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
31 Oct 10
Hello, I'm Justine. I'm the manager and hostess of the Spirit of the South. But I wanted to use this space to tell you a little about myself and my dance classes. I started Line dancing in 1996 at a Romney Marsh dance class run by Bob & Kath Cribben, immediately catching the line dance bug. Dancing at social clubs with friends I had made was great as I was new to the area. In 2004 I opened the Spirit of the South, and as you can see we are having a blast every month...
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Country Western.
Contact: Justine
Tel: 07887 805698
Email: Spirit of the South.
All Entries for Spirit of the South Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/5/2010)
WSt. George Hotel, 7-8 New Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6BB
Website. All Entries for St. George Hotel Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Spirit Linedance Mini-Fest 2010

Line, Country Western Festival, Instruction, Practice, Social Dancing. Doors open 10:00. £16.50 for all sessions. For further details: Info. 10am doors open. 11-12pm dance workshops (Jenny Rockett plus Mon & Ron Partners). 12.00 LIVE WIRE. 13.00 GLENN ROGERS TWO CARD TRICK. 14.00 LIVE WIRE. 15.00 GLENN ROGERS TWO CARD TRICK. BREAK FOR CHANGEOVERS FOOD AND EVENING DRESS. HALLOWEEN FANCY DRESS IN THE EVENING. 17.30-18.30 DANCE WORKSHOPS. 18.45 M.T. ALLAN. 19.45 CALICO. 20.45 M.T. ALLAN. 21.45 CALICO. 22.00-23.00 DJ REQUESTS.
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