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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Peacehaven, East-Sussex.


1st Floor Office, 112a Phyllis Avenue, Peacehaven


Lorna Roff Dance Centre, 128 The Promenade, Peacehaven


1A Margaret Court, South Coast Road, Peacehaven


Studio 54, Hoyle Road, Peacehaven


Norcross Dance Centre, 14 Arundel Road, Mount Pleasant, Newhaven


Saltdean Lido, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean, Brighton


Alexandra Dance Academy Office, 68 Stanford Avenue, Brighton

The results in the table below are all within 0-6 miles of target.

1st Floor Office, 112a Phyllis Avenue, Peacehaven


Lorna Roff Dance Centre, 128 The Promenade, Peacehaven


1A Margaret Court, South Coast Road, Peacehaven


Studio 54, Hoyle Road, Peacehaven


Norcross Dance Centre, 14 Arundel Road, Mount Pleasant, Newhaven


Saltdean Lido, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean, Brighton


Alexandra Dance Academy Office, 68 Stanford Avenue, Brighton

The results in the table below are all within 0-6 miles of target.
Peacehaven, East Sussex

Harlequin Studios

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Janice Downe
Tel: 01273 581742
Fax: 01273 888818
All Entries for Harlequin Studios Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
A1st Floor Office, 112a Phyllis Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 7RQ
All Entries for 1st Floor Office Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Latin American, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Ballroom, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Lorna Roff Dance Centre

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Freestyle Dance.
Tel: 01273 587112, 07887 536939
All Entries for Lorna Roff Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
BLorna Roff Dance Centre, 128 The Promenade, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 7JA
All Entries for Lorna Roff Dance Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Freestyle Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Sara Robinson

Classes in Brighton and Eastbourne and Lewes E Sussex, and Worthing
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Classical Sequence, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Tel: 0845 868 3399
All Entries for Sara Robinson Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
C1A Margaret Court, South Coast Road, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 7PQ
All Entries for 1A Margaret Court Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Classical Sequence, Stage, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Studio 54

Studio 54

Studio 54 is home to Eclipse Dance Troupe Juniors & Seniors. Whilst all forms of popular dance are taught here at Studio 54 we specialise in Latin & Ballroom Line Dance & Streetdance. We have trained many students who have become World Champions! Eclipse Dance Troupe were World Champions for 3 consecutive years! Our Senior team have competed Worldwide and we are now very proud of our new Mini Eclipse team made up of our Junior Students - 6 to 11 years old!
Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Ballroom, Latino, Street Dance, Mixed Social Dance.
Contact: Cheryl Poulter
Tel: 01273 588754
Email: Studio 54.
All Entries for Studio 54 Organisation.
(Last Edited: 31/8/2007)
DBased at: Studio 54, Hoyle Road, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 8LW
All Entries for Studio 54 Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Ballroom, Street Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Ballroom, Latino, Street, Mixed Social Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Mount Pleasant, East Sussex (2compassmiles)

Norcross Dance Centre

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballet (English).
Tel: 01273 516906
All Entries for Norcross Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
ENorcross Dance Centre, 14 Arundel Road, Mount Pleasant, East Sussex, BN9 0ND (near Newhaven)
All Entries for Norcross Dance Centre Venue.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Stage, Freestyle, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Saltdean, East Sussex (2compassmiles)

Karen Sweet

AIDTA. Small friendly Line Dance classes by Karen Sweet; everyone welcome. Also the home of kids competition team "Eclipse", trained by Cheryl Poulter.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Karen Sweet
Tel: 07903 502688
All Entries for Karen Sweet Organisation.
(Last Edited: 31/10/2001)
FSaltdean Lido, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean, East Sussex (near Brighton)
All Entries for Saltdean Lido Venue. Above the library. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Complete Novice level.
Brighton, East Sussex (5compassmiles)
Alexandra Dance Academy

Alexandra Dance Academy

 The Alexandra Dance Academy was established by Denise Ponsonby (A.I.S.T.D) over ten years ago. Denise trained at The Royal Ballet School after which she went on to work professionally in the ballet industry for a number of years. The academy is accredited to enter students for examination with The Imperial Society for the Teaching of Dance (I.S.T.D.) As well as working towards examinations the students benefit from the opportunity to perform in the academy's show every 2 years.
Event Organiser, Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Modern Dance, Pre-School Dance, Street Dance, Singing.
Tel: 01273 688991, 01273 273522
Email: Alexandra Dance Academy.
All Entries for Alexandra Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/10/2007)
GBased at: Alexandra Dance Academy Office, 68 Stanford Avenue, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6FD
All Entries for Alexandra Dance Academy Office Venue. Office and Postal Address. Tel: 01273 273522.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Modern, Pre-School, Street, Singing Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
International Dance Teachers Association[/​b]. In all styles of dance, from tiny tots through to professional dancers. Wherever you are in the world, the IDTA will support and guide you.
Professional Association, Class Directory. Dance Styles: All.
Tel: 01273 685652
Fax: 01273 674388
Email: IDTA.
All Entries for IDTA Organisation.
(Last Edited: 23/6/2004)
HIDTA, International House, 76 Bennett Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5JL
All Entries for IDTA Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Dance Class

All Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Salsa Pimente

Salsa Pimente

 Rachelle and Katanga decided to join forces and start their own club in 2004 when it was felt that the needs of dedicated salsa dancers in Brighton were not being met. This meant either travelling up to London for a regular salsa fix, or starting something themselves. The result…Salsa Pimente! Born in New Zealand, Rachelle came to the UK in 2000 and it was here that she developed her passion for salsa. She had never danced before however had a strong background in marching...
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance, Salsa (Cuban).
Contact: Rachelle & Katanga
Tel: 07977 267729
Email: Salsa Pimente.
All Entries for Salsa Pimente Organisation.
(Last Edited: 11/10/2009)
IKarma Bar, Brighton Marina, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5WA
All Entries for Karma Bar Venue. The bar has a large wooden dance floor, and the air conditioning will ensure you don't get too hot! In the summer months you can relax on the outside terrace overlooking the marina. There is ample free parking in the multi-storey car park. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa, Salsa (Cuban) Instruction, Practice. We offer four levels of classes, ranging from a dedicated beginners class, improvers, intermediate and advanced.
Lewes, East Sussex (5compassmiles)
Fun & friendly belly dance classes at the YMCA in Lewes. Belly dance is a great way to get fit and tones up thighs, bums and tums as well as improving posture and core strength. Classes are Mondays 6.15pm - 7.15pm, and are only £75 for a 10 week course. There is an Introductory Workshop at the beginning of each term - only £5 or free when you sign up for the 10 week course. For more details:
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Tara Dakini
Tel: 07891 769437
All Entries for Dakini Belly Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/9/2011)
J> Lewes & District YMCA, Westgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1YR
All Entries for Lewes & District YMCA Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Belly Dance Class

Belly Instruction, Practice. £75 for a 10 week course. There is an Introductory Workshop at the beginning of each term - only £5 or free when you sign up for the 10 week course.

Steps Dance Club

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Chester
Tel: 01273 475096
Email: Steps Dance Club.
All Entries for Steps Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/2/2008)
J<> Lewes & District YMCA, Westgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1YR
All Entries for Lewes & District YMCA Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. Classes Monday Evenings.

Steps Dance Club

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Chester
Tel: 01273 475096
Email: Steps Dance Club.
All Entries for Steps Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/2/2008)
J< Lewes & District YMCA, Westgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1YR
All Entries for Lewes & District YMCA Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Line Dance Class
Line Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. Classes Tuesday Mornings.
16 Jan 10
Helena is one of the UK's most respected Flamenco teachers and teaches across Southern England. Weekly classes in Eastbourne, Lewes, Horsham, Worthing, Chichester etc.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Dance Company, Demonstrations / Cabaret. Dance Styles: Flamenco.
Contact: Helena Benge
Tel: 07968 515401, 07963 959262
Email: Helena's Flamenco School.
All Entries for Helena's Flamenco School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 24/8/2010)
KAll Saints Arts Centre, Friars Walk, Lewes, East Sussex
All Entries for All Saints Arts Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Helena's Flamenco School present Carmen

Flamenco Concert, Dancing. Contact organiser for further details. Doors open 19:15. Admission £12.50. To book or for further details: Book, Info, Tel: 07968 515401. Bizet's Carmen brings summer warmth to wintry Lewes. The world's most popular opera - Bizet's Carmen - is here portrayed in Flamenco dance, song and guitar by the advanced students of Helena's Flamenco School supported by an international company comprising a leading male Flamenco dancer, singer and guitarist from leading Flamenco Company Cancion Gitana. Choreography is by Helena, principal dancer and choreographer with Cancion Gitana. Blending scenes from the famous opera with scenes from one of the most famous recent film versions (Carlos Saura's Carmen), Helena's students capture the essential elements of this story of joy, passion, tragedy and death. Despite never actually setting foot in Spain, Bizet created in his music and settings one of the most enduring images of Spain ever, this rumbustious production captures the searing heat and riotous colours, the joys and passions, the comedies and tragedies of the ill fated Gitana cigarette girl Carmen. In a 120 minute spectacular of 20 scenes with many costume changes, projections and striking lighting, Carmen is a Flamenco dance theatre performance of a kind rarely seen on UK stages, a passionate and dramatic re-telling of the Opera. Tel: 07968 515401 or 07963 959262 or or on the door on the night; but very limited seating!
Seaford, East Sussex (5compassmiles)
Seahaven Dance Est.1995 holds dance classes in Seaford, Newhaven and Lewes. Classes are in Cecchetti ballet, ISTD modern, jazz and tap. Pre-school - adult. Pupils prepared for examinations, competitions and shows. Principal: Mrs. Mechele Lefkaridi LISTD
Sound & Light Systems, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Dance Company, Performances, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Over 50s Dance, Early Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti), Lyrical, Body Conditioning.
Contacts: Mechele Lefkaridi, Amy Heather
Tel: 07738831616, 07949813162
All Entries for Seahaven Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 21/6/2012)
LSeahaven District Scout Headquarters, Chichester Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 2DR (near Brightonno smoke sign
All Entries for Seahaven District Scout Headquarters Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Dance Classes

Tap, Jazz, Modern, Junior, Pre-School, Over 50s, Early, Ballet (Cecchetti), Lyrical, Body Conditioning Course, Instruction at Complete Novice to Advanced level. Doors open 15:30. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Book, Info, Tel: 07738831616. Monday 3:30pm - 4:05pm Pre-School 3:40pm Standard 1 Ballet 4:20pm Standard 2 Ballet 5:00pm Grade 2/Standard 3 Ballet 5:40pm Standard 3 Ballet 6:30pm Adult Tap Intermediate Tuesday 3:45pm Grade/Standard 3 Ballet 4:30pm Senior Ballet 5:45pm Pointework 6:15pm Intermediate Tap 7:00pm Silver Jazz/Modern 7:45pm Advanced 1 Tap 8:30pm Senior Jazz/Modern Wednesday 2:15pm Adult Tap Level 5 3:45pm Standard 6 Ballet 4:30pm Grade 5/6 Ballet 5:15pm Grade 4 Modern 6:00pm Grade 2 Tap 6:30pm Grade 5 Modern/Bronze Jazz Thursday 3:40pm Grade 3/Standard 4 Ballet 4:25pm Grade/Standard 5 Ballet 5:05pm Standard 4 Ballet 5:45pm Grade 1 Tap 6:15pm Inter Foundation Ballet 7:15pm Senior/Adult Ballet 4:00pm Reception Ballet 4:40pm Primary Ballet
Woodingdean, East Sussex (5compassmiles)

Karen Sweet

AIDTA. Small friendly Line Dance classes by Karen Sweet; everyone welcome. Also the home of kids competition team "Eclipse", trained by Cheryl Poulter.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Karen Sweet
Tel: 07903 502688
All Entries for Karen Sweet Organisation.
(Last Edited: 31/10/2001)
MWoodingdean Community Centre, Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 6BB
All Entries for Woodingdean Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Improver to Intermediate level.
Brighton, East Sussex (6compassmiles)
Adult Dane Brighton

Adult Dance Brighton

 Adult Dance Brighton, the place for adults who like to dance and live in, or near to Brighton. If you're uncertain it's for you, book a taster session and see why people are talking about our Dance Lessons. Our Dance Classes are fun and you'll enjoy the atmosphere. We run a number of courses and classes in Tap Dance and Jazz dance styles, over the entire skills range, from absolute beginners to advanced and even Semi-Pro standards. Classes are for adults only, aged 16+ years old. A
Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Blog. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Contemporary Dance.
Contact: Drew Wood
Tel: 07582726460
All Entries for Adult Dance Brighton Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/8/2013)
N> Brighton College Dance Studio 1, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 0AL
All Entries for Brighton College Dance Studio 1 Venue. Studio 1 was built in 2000 and is a stunning dance facility. The studio dimensions are approximately 10 metres by 11 metres with wooden sprung floors, barres and mirrors Studio 2 is a studio theatre facility with lighting bars and fully sound equipped. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
The Brighton dance studios where dance becomes a passion. Learn ballet, jazz, hip-hop, street dance, tap, modern, contemporary, salsa, Egyptian Hilal and 5 Rhythms in our dance classes - if there is a step you can take it here!
Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance, Contemporary Dance, Egyptian Dance, Street Dance, Five Rhythm, Hip-Hop.
Tel: 01273 704309, 01273 704328
Email: Dance Center Brighton.
All Entries for Dance Center Brighton Organisation.
(Last Edited: 26/12/2003)
N< Brighton College Dance Studio 1, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 0AL
All Entries for Brighton College Dance Studio 1 Venue. Studio 1 was built in 2000 and is a stunning dance facility. The studio dimensions are approximately 10 metres by 11 metres with wooden sprung floors, barres and mirrors Studio 2 is a studio theatre facility with lighting bars and fully sound equipped. Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Salsa, Ballet, Tap Dance Class
Salsa, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Egyptian, Street, Five Rhythm, Hip-Hop Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Open Space Dance School

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Ballet (English), Singing.
Contact: Trey Fry
Tel: 01273 671333
All Entries for Open Space Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
OOpen Space Dance School, 104A Marine Parade, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 1AT
All Entries for Open Space Dance School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Latin American, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Ballroom, Street, Ballet (English), Singing Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
04 Nov 12

Tap Attack

 Tap Attack is an amalgamation of some of the most innovative tap dancers, teachers and choreographers from all over the world. We bring a variety of styles, techniques and continually push the boundaries in all forms of tap dance. Tap Attack offers monthly UK based workshops, master classes, global residencies, bespoke workshops and incorporating our tap performance companies "Extreme Tap" "The Tapettes" and "Tap Attack Company". Tap Attack also manage the England Tap Team.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Dance Company, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Professional Training, Performances, Own Choreography, Corporate Entertainment, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tap Dance.
Contact: Jo Scanlan
All Entries for Tap Attack Organisation.
(Last Edited: 1/2/2019)
PBrighton College, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex
All Entries for Brighton College Venue. Performing Arts Dept. 01273 704328. Show Venue on Google Earth.
TA_Logo and feet_v02.jpg

Total Tap Brighton

Tap Workshop, Instruction at Improver to Advanced level Dancing. Admission £25.00. To book or for further details: Book, Info. Tap Attack “Total Tap Workshops” are a fun day for tappers of all ages and abilities. Each day is split into two 3 hour sessions (with dancers attending a morning or afternoon session). The workshops are taught by Tap Attack faculty Alison Forrester and Lee Payne The Autumn “Total Tap Workshop” is in Brighton, on Sunday 4th November at Brighton College. Classes are available for three standards, Youth, Elementary/Intermediate and Advanced standard (as a rough guide Youths must be a minimum of 9 years old and Grade 3 standard), however the emphasis on the day is for attendees to have fun whilst learning something new. We specifically limit class sizes so to guarantee your place book and pay online here, alternatively postal booking forms can be downloaded from the website. Please contact us for further information .
Kemptown, West Sussex (6compassmiles)
Adult Dane Brighton

Adult Dance Brighton

 Adult Dance Brighton, the place for adults who like to dance and live in, or near to Brighton. If you're uncertain it's for you, book a taster session and see why people are talking about our Dance Lessons. Our Dance Classes are fun and you'll enjoy the atmosphere. We run a number of courses and classes in Tap Dance and Jazz dance styles, over the entire skills range, from absolute beginners to advanced and even Semi-Pro standards. Classes are for adults only, aged 16+ years old. A
Dance Hall for Hire, Dance Studio/School, Blog. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Contemporary Dance.
Contact: Drew Wood
Tel: 07582726460
All Entries for Adult Dance Brighton Organisation.
(Last Edited: 18/8/2013)
QBrighton College Dance Studio 2, 1 Montague Place, Kemptown, Brighton, West Sussex, BN2 1JE
All Entries for Brighton College Dance Studio 2 Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Lewes, East Sussex (6compassmiles)


Established in 1998. Finesse offers Dance training to everyone. Students will have the opportunity to take examinations with the IDTA, nationwide competitions, dance in shows or just for fun and fitness. All teachers are fully qualified and experience. A dance school that can offer something to everyone. Classes, one to one lessons or one off coaching sessions. Please call or email for full details of times or classes.
Dance Studio/School, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Dancercise, Freestyle Dance, Jive (Ballroom), Pre-School Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Hip-Hop, Jive, Tango Dance.
Contact: Wendy Baker
Tel: 01273 476988
All Entries for Finesse Organisation.
(Last Edited: 4/8/2008)
RBased at: Finesse Dance School, Malling Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2TE
All Entries for Finesse Dance School Venue.

Tap, Stage, Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Dancercise, Freestyle, Jive (Ballroom), Pre-School, Ballroom, Street, Hip-Hop, Jive, Tango Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Steps School of Dance (Lewes)

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Dance.
Contact: Wendy Baker
Tel: 01273 476988, 07903 523173
Email: Steps School of Dance (Lewes).
All Entries for Steps School of Dance (Lewes) Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
SSteps School of Dance, 2 Pellbrook Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2TE
All Entries for Steps School of Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Tap, Stage, Ballroom Dance Class
Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
East Sussex Dance provides classes and private tuition for dancers of all ages and abilities. Whether you'd like to enter competitions or simply dance for fun, our aim is to help you realise your full potential and above all to enjoy dancing!
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Contact / Partner Finder. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Body Conditioning.
Contacts: Alex Skinner, Marcus Edwards
Tel: 07901 962163
All Entries for East Sussex Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 29/6/2012)
T> St John's Hall, Talbot Terrace, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2DS no smoke sign
All Entries for St John's Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Children's Ballroom and Latin Classes

To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07901 962163. New Children's Ballroom and Latin Classes in Lewes! Whether your child has danced before or not, we provide Dancesport training that is second-to-none, with many of our students competing on a national level!

Teenage Beginners Ballet

To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07901 962163. Ballet is the fundamental language of dance. Our Teenage Beginners Ballet class is aimed at those who are new to Ballet, or perhaps looking to back up their dance technique for GCSE or A-level dance. For more information contact Alex.

Collette Dobson AISTD

Ballet and Tap Dance instruction
Private Coaching, Choreographer. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance.
Contact: Collette Dobson
Tel: 01273 475648, 07788 581940
All Entries for Collette Dobson AISTD Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/11/2003)
UAll Saints Centre, Friars Walk, Lewes, East Sussex no smoke sign
All Entries for All Saints Centre Venue. Car Parking. Stage.

Tap Dance Class

Tap Instruction at Improver level. Admission £4.50. Adults.
Tap Dance Class
Tap Instruction at Intermediate level. Admission £4.50. Adults.
East Sussex Dance provides classes and private tuition for dancers of all ages and abilities. Whether you'd like to enter competitions or simply dance for fun, our aim is to help you realise your full potential and above all to enjoy dancing!
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Contact / Partner Finder. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Body Conditioning.
Contacts: Alex Skinner, Marcus Edwards
Tel: 07901 962163
All Entries for East Sussex Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 29/6/2012)
VChrist Church, Prince Edwards Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1BL no smoke sign
All Entries for Christ Church Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Disco, Freestyle and Street Dance!

To book or for further details: Tel: 07901 962163. Classes commence with a thorough warm-up, followed by dance routines choreographed to current chart music. All age groups and abilities catered for, with the opportunity to enter for competitions and exams.

Intermediate Ballroom and Latin Class

To book or for further details: Tel: 07901 962163. A class for those who have danced before, based in Lewes. All ages, singles and couples welcome.
08 Sep 11
East Sussex Dance provides classes and private tuition for dancers of all ages and abilities. Whether you'd like to enter competitions or simply dance for fun, our aim is to help you realise your full potential and above all to enjoy dancing!
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Contact / Partner Finder. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Body Conditioning.
Contacts: Alex Skinner, Marcus Edwards
Tel: 07901 962163
All Entries for East Sussex Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 29/6/2012)
WSt Mary's Church, Highdown Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1QE
All Entries for St Mary's Church Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Over 8's Freestyle & Street Dance

To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07901 962163. A new dance class for children aged 8-12 in Lewes! We combine fun dances with sound technique and the beginnings of musicality and co-ordination, encouraging children to enjoy dance! Opportunities to enter for medal tests and comps but this is by no means compulsory!
06 Sep 11
East Sussex Dance provides classes and private tuition for dancers of all ages and abilities. Whether you'd like to enter competitions or simply dance for fun, our aim is to help you realise your full potential and above all to enjoy dancing!
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Contact / Partner Finder. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Ballet, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Body Conditioning.
Contacts: Alex Skinner, Marcus Edwards
Tel: 07901 962163
All Entries for East Sussex Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 29/6/2012)
T< St John's Hall, Talbot Terrace, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2DS no smoke sign
All Entries for St John's Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Absolute Beginners Ballroom & Latin

Latin American, Ballroom Instruction at Beginner level, Practice Dancing. Admission £6.00. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07901962163. A new adults class for absolute beginners, based in Lewes. All ages and abilities, singles and couples welcome.
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