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Outllaws & Sinners Saturday Socials

20:30, Monthly

Mazenod Centre, Kilburn, London, London, United Kingdom

Wendys WildkatzThe famous OUTLAWS & SINNERS Saturday socials are now run by WENDYS WILDKATZ. We were approached in July with a view to run the weekend socials on behalf of the OUTLAWS & SINNERS at The Mazenod Centre, Kilburn. This was a real privileged for us, we had been aware of the Outlaws & Sinners / Ashtons for years and recognized them as one of the longest running clubs in London. We had seen them at various line dance weekends through the years in particularly Dancelines events held at Butlins in Bognor Regis. We are determined to maintain the strong country music tradition of the Outlaws & Sinners Socials and ensure that it continues to thrive and not fragment as is so often the case when established clubs either change venue or instructor. There will be a short refresher/tuition session between 8.30 and 9.00pm at the start of each social where a couple of newer dances to country music will be taught, After that it's non-stop Country Music until midnight or beyond, dancing to your requests with THE WILDKATZ COUNTRY DISCO.

We want you to enjoy your evening at The Mazenod, listen to some great country music, and enjoy your dancing.

Dance Class. Instruction, Practice and Social for Line and Country Western Dancers. Doors open at 20:30. Event starts at 20:30. (£5.00 for all sessions).

Organiser: Wendy's Wildkatz

Contact: Wendy or Adrian . Tel: 07913516974 or 07952847844.  ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Wendys WildkatzWendy's Wildkatz are one of the largest and most successful Line Dance clubs in the Watford / Ruislip area. Classes are held in Watford on Tuesday and Wednesday, Ruislip on Thursday. Wendy, the Wildkatz principle and instructor is a fully qualified Line Dance Instructor with a number of years experience teaching all levels of line dance. As well as the Wildkatz own classes Wendy is a resident at The Thin Blue Liners and at The Ruislip Conservative Club members only class on Mondays.

Venue: Mazenod Centre

, Mazenod Ave, Kilburn, London, NW6 4LS ►All Dance Classes and Events for Mazenod Centre   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Mazenod Centre on Google Earth
Just off the Quex Road. Car: 10 minutes from the North Circular. Buses: 16, 16a, N16, 32, 245, 260, 266, 981. Tube: Kilburn Park, Bakerloo Line. Train: Kilburn High Road (BR).
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