Havana Party Nights!
Salsa Tuition by Miguel Ramirez from Santo Domingo! TV STAR
Salsa Imporvers: 8.30
Intermediate: 9.30 (Levels 1,2&3.
Professional Dancers after class!
After class Club dancing and great Latin music till late!
A great fun & friendly atmosphere! ALL welcome!Dance Class. Instruction (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced), Party and Social (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) for Rueda, Bachata, Cha-Cha and Salsa Dancers. Bar. Doors open at 00:00. Admission £7.00.

Starlight run authentic weekly intense Salsa classes every Wednesday at:
The Firestation (The Windsor Arts Centre) 8-10pm. beginners 8pm Intermediate 9pm Tutor Miguel from Dominican Rep: TV star!
6 week courses are popular so please register interest: see dates at www.starlightdancecompany.com
Rotating workshops with Guest teachers in all styles.
Private lessons available: Salsa, Cha Cha, Bachata and Rumba.
Wedding Choreography
No Smoking. Car Park. Suited venue for our Cuban Party Nights!
Great dance floor, cocktails and seating.