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Pulse Company Auditions @Urdang 18 Feb 07 - Streetdance

Sun 18 Feb 2007 17:00 - 21:00

Old Finsbury Town Hall, London, United Kingdom

pdcaudition72copy.jpgPulse Dance Company is looking for strong versatile dancers to perform at various events across the UK.

Strong streetdance technique
Experience in some technical styles of dance
Able to pick up routines easily
Comittment to train twice a week
Passion, dedication and reliability

You will be expected to learn 2 choreographed pieces on the day and to freestyle. Please arrive early to register and bring your CV and photo.

Auditions times:
Ages 8-15 @5-6:30pm
Ages 16-25 @ 6:30-9pm

Please see for more details.
Phone Bookings: 020 8932 8630. Further Information

Dance Class. Audition, Instruction (Advanced) and Practice (Advanced) for Hip-Hop, Ballet (English), Contemporary and Street Dancers. Event is 17:00-21:00.

Organiser: Pulse Dance Company

Contact: Smartz . Tel: 020 8932 8630 or 07878790036.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
pulsewebsitelogo.jpgPulse was set up in 2005 in order to provide young adults with an opportunity to develop their skilld in choreography, teaching and performing for those who otherwise, might not have the means to do so. Pulse consists of the troupe, which is available to hire for events and functions and the performing arts school, which offers the best professional street dance training for ages 8-16. Pulse has had immense success at the UK Streetdance Championships as well as in their own productions.

Venue: Old Finsbury Town Hall

, Roseberry Avenue, London, EC1R 4RP.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Old Finsbury Town Hall   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Old Finsbury Town Hall on Google Earth
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