Six levels of Salsa Classes. The venue has a very friendly, intimate feel accentuated by the fact that each class has its own separate room. It has a large wooden dance floor and is particularly preferred by Absolute Beginners.
Parking: Free parking after 6pm in upper car park only. (Wheel clamping possible in lower car park or before 6pm)
Classes: 07:30pm-09:30pm
Dancing: 09:30pm-11:00pm
£8 (£5 full-time students & concessions)
for one Salsa class + dancing afterwards.
Pay only £4 (£3 full-time students & concessions)
extra for a second class (on the same night)
Entry fee to the club only
NON-CLASS MEMBERS: £2.50 (£1.50)
Free to class participants Phone Bookings: 0118 9668292.
►Further Information Dance Class. Instruction (Novice, Beginner, Improver and Intermediate) and Practice (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced) for Salsa Dancers. Bar. Soft drinks available. You may BYO drinks. Doors open at 19:00. Event is 19:30-23:00.
Are you looking for Salsa classes, a new hobby, a sociable environment, some relaxation or a way to get fit and lose weight - ideal after long working hours? Then you have found the right place.
We have been teaching Salsa in and around Reading for over 10 years. Teaching Salsa is much more than just a job to us - it is our way of life and a constant source of joy. You are more than welcome to share this with us...