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Salsa dance classes & dancing on a Wednesday night, Bristol.

Wednesday 20:00 - 23:59, Weekly

Victoria Methodist Church, Bristol, Bristol, Avon, United Kingdom

Salsa Souls - Bristol Latin Dance SchoolSalsa dance classes in Bristol every Wednesday night. Salsa Classes start at 8pm and freestyle dancing later from 10pm. This is a new Salsa night for Bristol, taught by Stellan and Salsa Souls team.
Absolute beginners welcome every week.
For more info. visit
Phone Bookings: 07982241923. Further Information

Dance Class. Instruction, Practice, Masterclass, Workshop and Social for Salsa (Cuban), Lambada, Bachata, Reggaeton, Zouk, Mambo, Cha-Cha and Salsa Dancers. You may BYO drinks. Doors open at 19:45. Event is 20:00-23:59. Admission £8.00.

Organiser: Salsa Souls - Bristol & Bath Latin Dance School

Contact: Stellan Jara. Tel: 07982241923.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Stellanposforsalsasouls.jpgSalsa & Bachata dance classes in Bristol, Bath & Cardiff. These Salsa nights for Bristol are taught by Stellan and Salsa Souls team. Absolute beginners welcome every week. For more info. visit We teach Salsa and Latin dance in Bristol and around. We also DJ and host events, e.g Hen parties, Birthdays, Weddings/ your Wedding dance, Work events, Television work, Christmas parties and other celebrations.

Venue: Victoria Methodist Church

, 1A Whiteladies Rd, Bristol, Bristol, Avon, BS8 1NU.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Victoria Methodist Church   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Victoria Methodist Church on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park. Look out for Salsa Souls signs.
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