Note: Most Saturdays. Please check dates on web site. Mainly Ballroom and Latin American dancing with some popular Sequence. Excellent dance floor, best of recorded dance music and interval with refreshments. Phone Bookings: 01425 278121.
►Further Information Dance Class. Social (Novice, Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) for Modern Sequence, Latin American and Ballroom Dancers. Soft drinks available. You may BYO drinks. Event is 20:00-22:20. Admission £5.50.
All Ballroom and Latin American dances taught plus Tango Argentino, Salsa, Rock n Roll, Old Time, Modern and Latin Sequence. Classes for Adults. Private lessons by arrangement. Check web site for latest information.
No Smoking. Car Park. Take the A337 from Christchurch towards Highcliffe. Approaching Highcliffe centre, turn left immediately before the speed camera. The hall has a good sized dance floor.