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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

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Heartands High School, Wood Green, London, London, United Kingdom

SoleStar Arts

Dance Class. Instruction and Practice for Hip-Hop, Singing, Ballet, Stage, Junior and Street Dancers.

Organiser: SoleStar Arts

Contact: Louise Blair. Tel: 02082452669.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
SoleStar ArtsBased in and around North London, SoleStar is a Performing Arts Company, it was created to allow all children and adults, the opportunity to learn from industry professionals. The focus of the company's activity is to promote, encourage, and advance knowledge and participation in the performing arts in their various aspects. The company’s unique and diverse approach to modern musical theatre, stems from the tutor’s individual interests in cutting edge performing art styles.

Venue: Heartands High School

, Station Road, Wood Green, London, N22 7ST ►All Dance Classes and Events for Heartands High School   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Heartands High School on Google Earth
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