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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

Tuesday 19:15 - 23:00, Weekly

O’Neill’s, St. Pancras, London, London, United Kingdom

<b>Swing Cats Corner</b>: The Hottest Dancing, the Coolest Swinging Sounds, right in the Beating Heart of London.

Dance Class. Instruction, Practice and Social for Lindy Hop and Swing Dancers. Doors open at 19:00. Event is 19:15-23:00.

Organiser: Swing Inter.Net

Contact: Tel: +44 (0) 20 8829 0919 or 07790 762932.  ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
"Swing Inter.Net" is primarily interested in promoting Hollywood Swing or Dean Collin's Style Lindy Hop in the UK. As at present we are the only people who are teaching and promoting Hollywood Style to any extent in the UK.

Venue: O’Neill’s

, 73-77 Euston Road, St. Pancras, London, NW1 2QS ►All Dance Classes and Events for O’Neill’s   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue O’Neill’s on Google Earth
Held in "The Music Room", Upstairs. (Opposite The British Library and a stone’s throw from St. Pancras, Kings Cross and Euston Stations.).
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