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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

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Jayne Elizabeth Stage School, Worle, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon, United Kingdom

Dance Class. Instruction and Practice for Ballet (English), Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage and Gymnastic Dancers.

Organiser: Jayne Elizabeth Stage School

Contact: Jayne Fearn. Tel: 01934 517208.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
The School aims to offer stimulating classes with 'Fun and Enjoyment' at the forefront. From an early stage pupils are encouraged to perform and take examinations. They all have the opportunity to perform in major productions at the Playhouse Theatre., 'Sadlers Wells Theatre both in London and Disney Land, Paris. The School was opened in 1992 by school principal Jayne Elizabeth M.I.T.D.A. Jayne is proud that the school has been extremely successful and that it holds 100% success in IDTA Exams...

Venue: Jayne Elizabeth Stage School

, Mendip Avenue, Worle, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon, BS22 6HN.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Jayne Elizabeth Stage School   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Jayne Elizabeth Stage School on Google Earth
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