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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

Thursday 20:45 - 21:45, Weekly

Chorley Cricket Club, Chorley, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Sabanico Salsa DanceNote: (*) We specialise in teaching cross-body style salsa On1 and On2.

Dance Class. Instruction (Intermediate) and Practice (Intermediate) for Salsa Dancers. Event is 20:45-21:45.

Organiser: Sabanico

Contact:  ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Sabanico Salsa DanceIf you haven't already got the Salsa Bug, why not come to one of our weekly classes and give salsa a try! As well as learning to dance you will meet new friends, get plenty of exercise and most definitely have lots of fun. Salsa is a freestyle partner dance, where the man 'leads' and the woman 'follows'. By stepping in time to the music together, the man leads his partner through 'turn patterns'. Salsa is a lively, spirited and energetic dance that is a lot of fun to learn...

Venue: Chorley Cricket Club

, Sandringham Road, Chorley, Preston, Lancashire, PR7 1LG ►All Dance Classes and Events for Chorley Cricket Club   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Chorley Cricket Club on Google Earth
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