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Dance Class

Dance Lesson / Instruction

Tuesday 20:00 - 22:30, Weekly

Lawrence Weston Social Club, Lawrence Weston, Bristol, Avon, United Kingdom

High Sierra Line Dance£1.00 for spectators and children (although there may be a charge for entry to the club for non-members - this is usually around £1 per person). We cater for beginners, improvers and intermediates here in this friendly club. The evening is meant to be fun - we all know that dancers often create their own variations to the dance steps, whether by mistake or deliberately! So come along and enjoy a great evening's entertainment! On some Tuesdays we hold Social Evenings, with no teaching - just dancing the dances learned over recent weeks, and some older dances too. During these Social Evenings we usually have an American Supper and a raffle in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Dance Class. Instruction, Practice and Social for Line Dancers. Event is 20:00-22:30. (£3.00 for all sessions).

Organiser: High Sierra

Contact: Tony Flintoff or Pam Flintoff. Tel: 01454 620097 or +44 1454 620097.  ►Full DanceWeb Entry
High Sierra Line DanceHigh Sierra offers a superb Line Dancing and Disco service. We have been operating in this field in the Bristol area since 1997 and have gained a reputation for a quality service. In our website you will find details of our Line Dance classes, Line Dance Events, celebration Disco service for weddings, birthdays etc, photos of recent events as well as links to other related sites, and much more besides!

Venue: Lawrence Weston Social Club

, Lawrence Weston Road, Lawrence Weston, Bristol, Avon ►All Dance Classes and Events for Lawrence Weston Social Club   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Lawrence Weston Social Club on Google Earth
Tel: 0117 953 6402. The club is off Long Cross, near St. Bede's School, in an area known locally as the 'Cabbage Patch'.
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