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Bellydance fusion classes

Sat 10 Jan 2009, Weekly

Stockwell YMCA, London, United Kingdom

Local bellydance classes to South London: Stockwell/Brixton.

A fusion style based on isolation movements for beginners with some Balkan Gypsy moves thrown in.

Supportive, relaxed, affordable class, to keep fit, build confidence and to express yourself.

Improvers are working on routines to Natasha Atlas tunes.

Dance Class. Instruction (Beginner and Improver) and Course for Balkan and Belly Dancers. You may BYO drinks. Admission £5.00.

Organiser: BrixtonAmar

Contact: Eva Forrai. Tel: 07863 560 219.  ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
BrixtonAmar runs community bellydance classes in South London, Stockwell/Brixton. Emphasis on isolation technique with occasional Balkan steps, in order to develop an individual style for self-expression. Improvers currently work on routines to Natasha Atlas tunes. Sunday 11-12;00 Beginners, 12-13:00 Improvers, routines

Venue: Stockwell YMCA

, 40 Stockwell Road, London, SW9 9ES ►All Dance Classes and Events for Stockwell YMCA   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Stockwell YMCA on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park. Lovely, large, atmospheric studio with sprung floor. No street shoes allowed.
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