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Dance Course

Blues in Bury freestyle and workshop

Sat 12 Mar 2016 20:00 - 23:59, Monthly

Buckden Village Hall, Buckden, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Sara White Jive NitesBuilding on the enthusiasm of the dancers we've met in Bury this year - we're looking forward to hosting 3 more Bury events in 2016!

We'll be running a workshop and an evening freestyle session each time, you can attend either - or better still, both!

We'll be running a full afternoon workshop session on Saturday 12th March aimed at furthering your connection with Modern Blues dancing, followed by an evening of Blues-focused freestyle.

From the basics of connection, musicality, close-hold movement and spontaneous choreography - we'll be building upon your existing dance skills to create dance that is fluid, dynamic and expressive. We'll be exploring how you can use music to guide your dance and how to feel both stylish and confident on the social dance floor.

Whether you have been to one of our workshops before, or if this is your first time, we'll be aiming to help you make the progress you are looking for.

And then, when you are full to the brim with new skills and enthusiasm, we'll be able to enjoy a whole evening of delicious, Bluesy freestyle - to put everything into practice!

Tea and coffee will be provided. Free free to bring your own drinks and snacks. Oooh, and maybe some cake for sharing!

More information at

Workshop Only - £25 per person (£40 for Mixed Sex Couples)
Workshop and Freestyle combo - £30 per person (£50 for Mixed Sex Couples)
Freestyle Only - £10
Online booking is now available. Use the drop down menu to find the combination that suits you.

Dance Course. Instruction (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced), Practice (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) and Social (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced and Advanced) for Tango, Blues, Burlesque, Swing, Tango (Argentine), Ceroc and Jive (French & Modern) Dancers. Bar. Event is 20:00-23:59. Admission £10.00.

Organiser: Sara White's Blues Nites

Contact: Sara White or Tim Hodgson. Tel: 07921633650.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Sara White Jive NitesDedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.

Venue: Buckden Village Hall

, Burberry Road, Buckden, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY ►All Dance Classes and Events for Buckden Village Hall   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Buckden Village Hall on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park.
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