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Crystal Blues Challenge 2014

Fri 31 Oct 2014 - Sat 2 Nov 2013 19:30 - 23:00, Monthly

Holiday Inn, Sandy, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Sara White Jive NitesThis truly is the most laid-back and relaxed, chilled and friendly competition event there is - creating an atmosphere that encourages and enables all competitors to dance their very best.

(Please note, that as a courtesy gesture to our good friends at Jive Addiction, we have moved this from our usual October date to November for this year, to make space for their brand new weekend event.)

So what can you expect from the Crystal Blues Challenge experience?

Well, this is the chance for Blues dancers to take part in, and be part of, a weekend of Blues-focused challenges –where your peers are your judges! With seven categories, there is something for everyone –and if competing is not your thing, as part of the audience YOU and a panel of well-respected Blues-room dancers, are the judges!

The 'Crystal Blues Challenge' is transparently clear. As Blues dancing is not a performance dance, dancers are not required to perform to judges – just dance as the music inspires you on an intimate Blues-room floor. Everyone attending is given their voting chips and information about things to look for while watching (musicality, interpretation, style, aesthetics, etc). After each round you cast your vote and the highest scoring couples make it through. Both the voting audience and the voting panel will use the same criteria to decide who wins, so everyone is clear about what they are looking for. Simples! No more wondering if the judges were watching the same competition as you…

Although the event itself will be spread over the entire weekend, the challenges will take place over two days, with a variety of categories to choose from. You can choose to enter any number of categories, either all in one day, or spread over both. And of course during both days there will be HUGE amounts of freestyle time, with music provided by some of the best Blues DJ's in the country, so as a spectator you will get more dance-floor time than at any other competition event!

The Crystal Blues Challenge is organised and run BY Blues dancers, FOR Blues dancers. You will have seen everyone involved with Crystal Blues dancing regularly in Blues rooms up and down the country. Not just because they work in the world of Blues dance - but because they live, breathe and believe in the world of Blues dance! And remember, where we lead - others follow...
Phone Bookings: 07921 633650.

Dance Course. Practice (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced, Advanced and Master), Social (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate, Int/Advanced, Advanced and Master) and Competition for Jive, Tango, Blues, Swing, Tango (Argentine), Ceroc and Jive (French & Modern) Dancers. Bar. Doors open at 19:30. Event is 19:30-23:00.

Organiser: Sara White's Blues Nites

Contact: Sara White or Tim Hodgson. Tel: 07921633650.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Sara White Jive NitesDedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.

Venue: Holiday Inn

, Garden Court A1, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 1NA ►All Dance Classes and Events for Holiday Inn   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Holiday Inn on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park.
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