The Edge, University of Bath, Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom
Edge Arts present a day to explore pioneering ways that movement can collaborate with technology. Hosted in the University of Bath’s Creativity Centre, the day allows you to explore work in the Edge’s purpose built galleries and studios. coLAB offers opportunities to discover, partake and discuss ways in which artists and scientists are currently collaborating to create new experiences for dance audiences.
Join us for what promises to be an opportunity to engage through a series of interactive installations, workshops, talks and high quality performances alongside early stages of research.
£15, £12 Concs – includes ticket to Neon Dance’s performance of EMPATHY at 7pm. Day only tickets also available. Phone Bookings: 01225 386777. ►Book Online Now
Dance Event. Show and Exhibition for Contemporary Dancers. Event is 13:00-19:00. Admission £15.00.
ICIA: Contemporary arts shows, performances and classes. Exciting and thought-provoking dance, music, theatre and visual arts of regional and national importance