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Dance Event

Let Me Dance

Sun 13 - Fri 18 Aug 2006

Elmhurst School for Dance, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

LMPdance logo.jpgLet Me Dance and Union Dance (from london), together are running a Contemporary Street Dance summer camp. Held at the renowned Elmhurst School for Dance in Birmingham, the week will provide any fan of dance a week to learn the lastest and hottest moves. Takes Place Sunday 13th-Friday 18th August 2006. For ages 10-25years. Residential and non-residential camp options available from £250. Camp T-shirt included and a Show at the end of the week. Visit the website for more information Phone Bookings: 08450090933. Further Information Book Online Now

Dance Event. Instruction (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), Weekender, Summer-School, Masterclass and Workshop for Contemporary and Street Dancers. (£250.00 for all sessions).

Organiser: Let Me Dance

Contact: Amy Lalla. Tel: 08450090933.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
LMPdance logo.jpgLet Me Dance and Union Dance (from london), together are running a Contemporary Street Dance summer camp. Held at the renowned Elmhurst School for Dance in Birmingham, the week will provide any fan of dance a week to learn the lastest and hottest moves. Takes Place Sunday 13th-Friday 18th August 2006. For ages 10-25years. Residential and non-residential camp options available from £250. Camp T-shirt included and a Show at the end of the week. Visit the website for more information

Venue: Elmhurst School for Dance

, 249 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 7UH ►All Dance Classes and Events for Elmhurst School for Dance   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Elmhurst School for Dance on Google Earth
Car Park. Facilities include 230 seat theatre plus eight large dance studios.
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