Large dance floor with car park (obviously not in the hall!). Separate bar area. Nibbles welcome!
Ring to reserve a table - 02392 455289 or 07952 448203 or Corinne on 07723 697084.
Both line and partner dancers welcome. Hayling Island is a lovely place on the south coast with several beach areas so if its a nice day (we may get one!) then you could spend the day on the beach and finish off with a nice meal in one of the local restaurants followed by an evening with CALICO. What more could you ask for! Phone Bookings: 02392 455289.
Dance Event. Practice, Social and Live for Line, CW Couples, CW Partner and Country Western Dancers. Event is 19:30-23:00. Admission £7.00.
Organiser: Jayz Linedanz Club
Contact: Janis Budgen. Tel:
01489 482821 or 07952 448203.
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