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Salsa Central Party, Birmingham, with Franklyn & Brigitte

Sat 8 - Sun 9 Nov 2008 20:00 - 02:00

Portland Road Pavilion, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

salsa-central.jpgSalsa Central's November party features teachers: Franklyn & Brigitte, Mel C, and Carpe Diem Dance Company, plus DJ's: Chris Mee (Salsology, Mamboleo), DJ Silvao (Viva Cuba, Carnaval), and DJ Torqueo. There are classes for beginners to intermediate level, and the entry price of only £7 includes all classes. Entry after 11pm is only £6. Lovely venue, with a great dancefloor, free on-site parking, and separate bar area with cheap drinks. All levels welcomed. Phone Bookings: 07980154139. Further Information

Dance Event. Instruction (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced), Party, Practice (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced), Workshop and Social (Beginner, Improver, Intermediate and Int/Advanced) for Salsa (Cuban), Bachata, Mambo, Cha-Cha and Salsa Dancers. Bar. Soft drinks available. Doors open at 19:30. Event is 20:00-02:00. Admission £7.00 (£7.00 for all sessions).

Organiser: SalsaCentral

Contact: Mel C or Steve Bridger. Tel: 07980 154139 or 07843 262667.  ►Email ►Website   ►Full DanceWeb Entry
salsa-central.jpgSalsa Central is an online independant Salsa and Latin music and dance magazine, with news, reviews, interviews, videos, and much more.

Venue: Portland Road Pavilion

, Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands, B17 8LS ►All Dance Classes and Events for Portland Road Pavilion   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Portland Road Pavilion on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park.
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