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Dance Event

Sunshine Dance Troupe Audition

Sun 5 Jul 2009 14:00 - 14:00

Manchester, UK, Newton, Manchester, United Kingdom

Sunshine Dance Troupe

Auditions for under 12's, under 16's, under 18's and Senior troupe members. The troupe enters and wins many competitions around the country as well as perform in many paid shows. This is a professional dance troupe of the highest standards so only strong and talented dancers are let into the group. Many of the dancers in the troupe go on to do professional work.

Troupe and Member Credits: Busta Rhymes, Pink, Kanye West, Gwen Stefanie, Kate Perry, Kid Rock, Omarion, Jagged Edge, Mario, BBC, ITV, MTV awards, just to name a few....

Dance Event. Audition and Instruction (Int/Advanced, Advanced and Master) for Hip-Hop and Street Dancers. Event is 14:00-14:00.

Organiser: JV Street Dance & Hip Hop Dance Classes

Contact: Jerry Tse. Tel: 07966386313.  ►Email ►Full DanceWeb Entry
Street n' Hip Hop Dance Classes @ Sunshine Studios, 52 Newton St, (close to Piccadilly Gardens) Mons, Tues, Thurs & Fris, Manchester M1 1ED. Taught by JV whose choreographed and danced in Music videos, TV shows, Concerts and performed in shows all over. Credits included Choreography for Busta Rhymes UK Tour, Jagged Edge, Mario & more! Bring a friend and share the FUN! PS Private Tuition and workshops also available. Timetable classes check on the website.

Venue: Manchester, UK

, 52 Newton Street, Newton, Manchester, M1 1ED.  ►Website ►All Dance Classes and Events for Manchester, UK   ►Venue Map with Streetview  Show Venue Manchester, UK on Google Earth
No Smoking. Car Park.
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