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Entries for Dance Venue: Eqinox


Eqinox, Leicester Square, London

Entries for Dance Venue: Eqinox.

Eqinox, Leicester Square, London

Entries for Dance Venue: Eqinox.
WC2, London
Salsoteca offers Salsa dance lessons for all levels of students. To accommodate the insatiable appetite of our students for salsa, we have classes 7 days of the week. These lessons are led by members of the UK alliance of Professional dance teachers.
Event Organiser, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance.
Contacts: , Elder Sanchez
Tel: 020 7837 1227
Fax: 020 7837 1229
Email: Salsoteca Dance School.
All Entries for Salsoteca Dance School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/11/2006)
AEqinox, Leicester Square, London, WC2H7NA
Tube: Leicester Square. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa Instruction. £7.00 for whole evening. Licensed Bar.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Practice, Social Dancing. £7.00 for whole evening. Licensed Bar."Salsa Palladium"
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