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Entries for Dance Venue: Hamilton Hall


Hamilton Hall, 211 Balham High Road, Balham, Lonson

Entries for Dance Venue: Hamilton Hall.

Hamilton Hall, 211 Balham High Road, Balham, Lonson

Entries for Dance Venue: Hamilton Hall.
Balham, London

La Mariposa Tango Club

 Alan & Ros have been dancing and teaching Argentine Tango for many years, having learned from some of the best teachers in the world themselves. The teaching is clear and structured and is done in a relaxed and friendly way. Alan's music is among the best you will find on the Argentine Tango scene and you will be assured of a warm welcome by both. (Please note that both traditional and modern tango music are played.)
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Performances, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine).
Contacts: Ros Freedman, Alan Wallace
Tel: 07956998376, 07906780886
All Entries for La Mariposa Tango Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 22/3/2015)
AHamilton Hall, 211 Balham High Road, Balham, Lonson, Gt London, SW17 7BQ
It is less than 5 minutes' walk from Balham station (rail to Victoria) and (tube - Northern Line), just past the Excelsior Club and on the same side. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tango (Argentine) Dance Class

Tango (Argentine) Instruction at Beginner to Improver level, Práctica at Beginner to Improver level. Doors open 13:50. £10.00 for all sessions.Refresh the Basics.
Tango (Argentine) Dance Class
Tango (Argentine) Instruction at Improver to Intermediate level, Práctica at Improver to Intermediate level. Doors open 13:50. £10.00 for all sessions.Perfect Complex Steps.
Tango (Argentine) Dance Class
Tango (Argentine) Práctica, . Doors open 13:50. Admission £8.00. £10.00 for all sessions.Milonga with DJ Alan and his usual great mix of traditional and new tango tracks.
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