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Entries for Dance Venue: London & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc.


London & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc., Crown Court Church of Scotland, Covent Garden, London

Entries for Dance Venue: London & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc..

London & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc., Crown Court Church of Scotland, Covent Garden, London

Entries for Dance Venue: London & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc..
Covent Garden, London
Highland Dancing tuition available for all ages and abilities. Classes are held in central London on Wednesday evenings. Tuition also available in Epping, Essex Organisers of Highland Games in the Home Counties. Dancers and pipers available for any eve
Dance Studio/School, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Weddings. Dance Styles: Scottish Highland Dance, Scottish National Dance.
Contact: Heidi & Coleen Mathers
Tel: 01992 577463, 020 8554 3340
All Entries for Highland Dancing (London) Organisation.
(Last Edited: 9/10/2005)
ALondon & South of England Highland Dancing Assoc., Crown Court Church of Scotland, Covent Garden, Gt London

Scottish Highland Dance Class

Scottish Highland, Scottish National Instruction, Practice. Please contact us for details of current class venues, days and times.
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