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Entries for Dance Venue: Meridian Social Club


Meridian Social Club, Charlton Park Lane, Woolwich, London

Entries for Dance Venue: Meridian Social Club.

Meridian Social Club, Charlton Park Lane, Woolwich, London

Entries for Dance Venue: Meridian Social Club.
Woolwich, London
Salsa Y Mambo are proud to announce the launch of Sunday Afternoon Salsa. If you love dancing Salsa or want to learn then you will love what we have on offer there is something for everyone!
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance, Mambo. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Louie
Tel: 0702 110 2910, 08710 971 177
Email: Salsa Y Mambo.
All Entries for Salsa Y Mambo Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/2/2004)
AMeridian Social Club, Charlton Park Lane, Woolwich, Gt London, SE7 8QS Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa Instruction at Complete Novice to Improver level. Licensed Bar.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Instruction at Intermediate to Advanced level. Licensed Bar.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Practice, Social Dancing. Licensed Bar.
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