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Entries for Dance Venue: South Down's Holiday Village


South Down's Holiday Village, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester

Entries for Dance Venue: South Down's Holiday Village.

South Down's Holiday Village, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester

Entries for Dance Venue: South Down's Holiday Village.
Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex
South Downs Holiday Village is run by Richardson's, a family firm and is an adults only Holiday Village at Bracklesham Bay, just outside of Chichester. Our seasonal programme includes Old Time, Ballroom, Party, Sequence, Line Dancing and a variety of more to live music from our inhouse band and cabarets. We also run weekend and midweek events that specalise in dance. Residential half board or full board events with workshops and demonstrations.
Holiday Resort. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Modern Ballroom, Disco Dance, Jazz Dance, Saunter, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Country Western, Bossa Nova, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Mixed Social Dance, Charleston. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contacts: Main Reception, Group Sales
Tel: 01243 673683
Fax: 01243 670605
Email: Richardson's.
All Entries for Richardson's Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/4/2008)
A> South Down's Holiday Village, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 8JE no smoke sign
Website. Stage. Immediately off Bracklesham Lane there is a front car park. There is a bay marked disabled parking opposite Reception. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Dance Class

Contact organiser for times and further details.
23 May 08
26 May 08
South Downs Holiday Village is run by Richardson's, a family firm and is an adults only Holiday Village at Bracklesham Bay, just outside of Chichester. Our seasonal programme includes Old Time, Ballroom, Party, Sequence, Line Dancing and a variety of more to live music from our inhouse band and cabarets. We also run weekend and midweek events that specalise in dance. Residential half board or full board events with workshops and demonstrations.
Holiday Resort. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Modern Ballroom, Disco Dance, Jazz Dance, Saunter, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Country Western, Bossa Nova, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Mixed Social Dance, Charleston. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contacts: Main Reception, Group Sales
Tel: 01243 673683
Fax: 01243 670605
Email: Richardson's.
All Entries for Richardson's Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/4/2008)
A< South Down's Holiday Village, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 8JE no smoke sign
Website. Stage. Immediately off Bracklesham Lane there is a front car park. There is a bay marked disabled parking opposite Reception. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Let's Go Dancing

Modern Sequence, Modern Ballroom, Disco, Jazz, Saunter, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Country Western, Bossa Nova, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Mixed Social, Charleston Holiday, Social Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details. Admission £130.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Tel: 01243 673683. Let's Go Dancing with Star Cabarets. A half board Adults only dance weekend with full entertainment programme. A residential weekend of Old Time, Ballroom, Line Dancing, Party and Sequence with a live band 'Flair' and guests David Carter, Mike Sears and Bob Taylor. Phone for further information about programme or brochure.
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