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Entries for Dance Venue: St Andrews Church Centre, Halstead


St Andrews Church Centre, Halstead, Parsonage Street, Halstead, Braintree

Entries for Dance Venue: St Andrews Church Centre, Halstead.

St Andrews Church Centre, Halstead, Parsonage Street, Halstead, Braintree

Entries for Dance Venue: St Andrews Church Centre, Halstead.
Halstead, Essex
Fun & Funky classes in Street Dance, Pop Singing, Drama & Musical Theatre for children and young adults of all abilities aged from 3yrs upwards. FREE trial offer. Shows in local & West End theatres. Discounted termly payment plan and pay-as-you-go prices. Friendly, qualified, professional staff. Established since 1997. Our classes are fun, educational, motivating, creative and character building. Your child will gain in confidence,improve co-ordination, balance,rhythm and flexibility.
Event Organiser, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Stage Dance, Junior Dance, Street Dance, Pop-Video Dance, Hip-Hop, Singing. Callers by Appointment Only.
Contact: Diane & Daniel Neave
Tel: 01376 331543
All Entries for Rascals Theatre School Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/1/2017)
ASt Andrews Church Centre, Halstead, Parsonage Street, Halstead, Essex, CO9 2LD (near Braintreeno smoke sign
Website. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Rascals After School Performing Arts Classes

Stage, Junior, Street, Pop-Video, Hip-Hop, Break, Singing Masterclass, Workshop, Instruction, Practice Dancing. Doors open 00:00. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Book, Info, Tel: 01376 331543. All of our after school sessions are combined performing arts classes. The time in each session is equally divided between STREET DANCE, POP SINGING and DRAMA. The main focus is on having FUN and for the students to build confidence and develop their performance skills in a positive and friendly environment. We offer a FREE TRIAL session for all of the groups and thereafter payments can be made WEEKLY or TERMLY with a 10% discount given on termly payments. At Rascals we work towards regular performances, at least two a year. This gives our students a goal to aim for and encourages them to attend class each week. As well as our own productions, we are regularly invited by other companies and organisations to perform at special events such as summer fetes and dance gala's. Since opening in 1997 our students have performed in numerous shows at 'Her Majesty's' theatre in London's West End, 'Sadlers Wells' theatre, the prestigious 'Royal Albert Hall' and on the 'Fantasyland stage' right in the heart of Disneyland Paris! Every student is given the opportunity to take part in these events should they wish. Halstead – Monday Pre-school 3-4years - 4.00pm – 4.30pm £3.50 p/wk Primary's 5-7years - 4.30pm – 5.30pm £5.50 p/wk Juniors 8-12years - 5.30pm – 7.00pm £7.50 p/wk
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