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Entries for Dance Venue: The Glynne Primary School


The Glynne Primary School, Cot Lane, Kingswinford, Stourbridge

Entries for Dance Venue: The Glynne Primary School.

The Glynne Primary School, Cot Lane, Kingswinford, Stourbridge

Entries for Dance Venue: The Glynne Primary School.
Kingswinford, West Midlands
Rachel Dixon School of Dance

Rachel Dixon School of Dance

 ISTD Ballet, Tap, Modern,Cheer leading, Jazz & Street. Classes for all ages. Royal Ballet Junior Associates, Audition preparation, Boys classes, Guest teachers, Drama, Singing, workshops, Holiday Classes and Private Coaching. Call for a free trial lesson today. A great place to learn to dance no matter what your age or ability, everyone is welcome.
Private Coaching, Professional Association, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern Dance, Contemporary Dance, Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Street Dance, Pop-Video Dance, Cheerleading, Singing.
Contact: Rachel Dixon
Tel: 01384 345285, 07989 424354
All Entries for Rachel Dixon School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 26/7/2015)
AThe Glynne Primary School, Cot Lane, Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 9TH (near Stourbridgeno smoke sign
Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Street Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Junior, Pre-School, Street, Pop-Video, Singing Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. ISTD Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz & Street. Classes for all ages. Royal Ballet Junior Associates, Audition preparation, Boys classes, Guest teachers, Drama, Singing, workshops, Holiday Classes and Private Coaching. Call for a free trial lesson today.
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