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Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for KNT Danceworks Manchester.


Dancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for KNT Danceworks Manchester.

Dancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for KNT Danceworks Manchester.
KNT Danceworks Manchester

KNT Danceworks Manchester

 Weekly Adult Dance Classes available to the general public... all ages and abilities welcome... many dance styles taught, visit to see our full timetable... all classes take place at the Dancehouse Theatre, opposite the BBC building on Oxford Road... Classes right in the centre of Manchester... classes run on a drop in basis, no need to book... email for more info
Private Coaching, Dance College, Stage School, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Professional Training, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops. Dance Styles: All, Salsa Dance, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Belly Dance, Samba, Dancercise, Contemporary Dance, Ballet (Cecchetti), Street Dance, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Tango Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: KNT Danceworks
Tel: 07835945459, 07783103037
(Last Edited: 29/1/2010)
ADancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 5QA
Website. All Entries for Dancehouse Venue. Stage. The Dancehouse (home of NBS) occupies some 3,250 sq.m of floor space and constitutes one of the most comprehensively appointed dance training facilities to be found anywhere. Located on Oxford Road, in central Manchester, opposite BBC. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Salsa, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Belly, Samba, Dancercise, Contemporary, Ballet (Cecchetti), Street, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Tango, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice at Complete Novice level. Contact organiser for times and further details.
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