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Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for The Windsor School of Dancing.


The Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, Bradford

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for The Windsor School of Dancing.

The Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, Bradford

Dance Classes, Lessons, Events & Courses for The Windsor School of Dancing.
Windsor School of Dancing

The Windsor School of Dancing

 The Principal teacher, Andrew Carruthers, is a full time dance teacher and is a fellow of the I.S.T.D. With 30 years teaching experience and is assisted by his wife Carol. They also have Competitive experience at national level. Andrew is also qualified with the I.D.T.A. Susan O' Neil is an associate with the I.S.T.D. and specialises in Latin American. She is assisted by her husband Ian. Both have many years teaching experience and have national and international competition experience...
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Classical Sequence, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading, Mixed Social Dance.
Contact: Andrew Carruthers
Tel: 01274 488961
Email: The Windsor School of Dancing.
(Last Edited: 4/10/2009)
AThe Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, West Yorkshire, BD8 9LT (near Bradford)
Website. All Entries for The Windsor School of Dancing Venue. The spacious studio is situated on the outskirts of Bradford, 1½ Miles from the city centre off Thornton Road and has been established since 1990  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
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