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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Lidget Green, West-Yorkshire.


Ukrainian Social Club, 169 Legrams Lane, Lidget Green, Bradford


The Bradford Latvian Club, 5 Clifton Villas, Bradford


The Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, Bradford


West Bowling Working Mans Club, Dovedale Road, Bankfoot, Bradford


Tokari School of Dance, 15 Sharp Avenue, Bradford


Kala Sangam Arts Centre, St. Peters House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford


Clayton Village Primary School, John Street, Clayton, Bradford

The results in the table below are all within 0-4 miles of target.

Ukrainian Social Club, 169 Legrams Lane, Lidget Green, Bradford


The Bradford Latvian Club, 5 Clifton Villas, Bradford


The Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, Bradford


West Bowling Working Mans Club, Dovedale Road, Bankfoot, Bradford


Tokari School of Dance, 15 Sharp Avenue, Bradford


Kala Sangam Arts Centre, St. Peters House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford


Clayton Village Primary School, John Street, Clayton, Bradford

The results in the table below are all within 0-4 miles of target.
Lidget Green, West Yorkshire
Weekly Line Dance classes and socials in the Bradford area.
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Christine
Tel: 01274 606918, 01274 541528
Email: Stompers Line Dancing.
All Entries for Stompers Line Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 23/8/2008)
AUkrainian Social Club, 169 Legrams Lane, Lidget Green, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 2EA
All Entries for Ukrainian Social Club Venue. This is a large venue with a superb dance floor. There is plenty of comfortable seating all around and a very good bar. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line Dance Class

Line Instruction, Practice. Weekly. We have dancers from a very wide area and regularly have other teachers from this area. This is definitely the class to come to!

Monthly Social

Line Practice, Dancing. We have a social most months on the first Friday. We dance Mainstream Intermediate dances - mainly pop. Raymond DJ's - he keeps us going non stop, with jokes thrown in! Christine leads the dancing - with the occasional reminder if our memories fail us! It is always a great fun night out and dancers come many miles from other clubs to join us. All the latest dances, usually with Pie and Peas Supper. See website for next date.
Bradford, West Yorkshire

Salsa in Bradford

 Salsa at various locations in and around Bradford.
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance, Salsa (Cuban).
Email: Salsa in Bradford.
All Entries for Salsa in Bradford Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/3/2017)
BThe Bradford Latvian Club, 5 Clifton Villas, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 7BY
Website. All Entries for The Bradford Latvian Club Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa, Salsa (Cuban) Instruction, Practice. Great classes, fun, music and Salsa Dancing for all levels, what more could you want?
Girlington, West Yorkshire
Windsor School of Dancing

The Windsor School of Dancing

 The Principal teacher, Andrew Carruthers, is a full time dance teacher and is a fellow of the I.S.T.D. With 30 years teaching experience and is assisted by his wife Carol. They also have Competitive experience at national level. Andrew is also qualified with the I.D.T.A. Susan O' Neil is an associate with the I.S.T.D. and specialises in Latin American. She is assisted by her husband Ian. Both have many years teaching experience and have national and international competition experience...
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Classical Sequence, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading, Mixed Social Dance.
Contact: Andrew Carruthers
Tel: 01274 488961
Email: The Windsor School of Dancing.
All Entries for The Windsor School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 4/10/2009)
CThe Windsor School of Dancing, 5 Willow Street, Girlington, West Yorkshire, BD8 9LT (near Bradford)
Website. All Entries for The Windsor School of Dancing Venue. The spacious studio is situated on the outskirts of Bradford, 1½ Miles from the city centre off Thornton Road and has been established since 1990  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Bankfoot, West Yorkshire (2compassmiles)
Weekly Line Dance classes and socials in the Bradford area.
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Christine
Tel: 01274 606918, 01274 541528
Email: Stompers Line Dancing.
All Entries for Stompers Line Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 23/8/2008)
DWest Bowling Working Mans Club, Dovedale Road, Bankfoot, West Yorkshire (near Bradford)
All Entries for West Bowling Working Mans Club Venue.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Intermediate level, Practice at Intermediate level. Mainstream line danxing with Christine and DJ Raymond. Although this is a small venue we do all the latest dances in a very relaxed atmosphere and have a lot of fun!
Bradford, West Yorkshire (2compassmiles)

Tokari School of Dance

Classes in Kendal
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Margaret Bowers
Tel: 01274 676730, 07796 036869
All Entries for Tokari School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 14/11/2007)
ETokari School of Dance, 15 Sharp Avenue, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD6 1HB
All Entries for Tokari School of Dance Venue.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Trishool Dance Academy

 Trishool has become the leader in bringing Bollywood entertainment to the North of the UK. With over 20 years of dance experience, Trishool are experts in providing world class performances, breathtaking entertainment, professional dance training for all levels and educational workshops. We currently teach over 150 students a week, have performed at over 600 venues nationally and internationally, as well as experience working with some of the top industry professionals over in Mumbai...
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Junior Dance, Pre-School Dance, Bollywood.
Tel: +44(0)754 039 5526
Email: Trishool Dance Academy.
All Entries for Trishool Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/3/2017)
FKala Sangam Arts Centre, St. Peters House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4TY
All Entries for Kala Sangam Arts Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Junior Dance Class

Junior, Pre-School, Bollywood Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. Classes for 3year olds up to Adult Advanced.
Clayton, West Yorkshire (2compassmiles)

JR's School of Dance

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom).
Contact: Jodie Watson
Tel: 07963 321988
Email: JR's School of Dance.
All Entries for JR's School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
GClayton Village Primary School, John Street, Clayton, West Yorkshire, BD14 6AD (near Bradford)
All Entries for Clayton Village Primary School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Rock 'n' Roll Dance Class

Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Highgate Heaton, West Yorkshire (2compassmiles)

Vogue School of Freestyle Dance

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Freestyle Dance.
Contact: Victoria Marjanovic
Tel: 07736 469270
All Entries for Vogue School of Freestyle Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
HHeaton Tennis and Squash Club, Highgate Heaton, West Yorkshire, BRADF0RD
All Entries for Heaton Tennis and Squash Club Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Freestyle Dance Class

Freestyle Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Odsal, North Yorkshire (2compassmiles)
Dancestars School of Dance

Dancestars School of Dance

 For the best tuition in disco freestyle, rock and roll and streetdance. All ages welcome from 3+years. Adult classes available from 16+years. Classes on Wednesdays at Harold Club ,Low Moor , Bradford and Saturdays at Sedburgh Centre Odsal.Private lessons also available. Competitions, exams and shows or just for fun. First class free! Fully qualified teacher with ISTD.Other styles of dance may be available on request. Ring or see website for details.
Regular Dance Classes, Dance Company. Dance Styles: Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street Dance, Dancesport.
Contact: Jennifer Zurek
Tel: 01274677400, 07900063639
All Entries for Dancestars School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/8/2006)
ISedburgh Centre, Huddersfield Road, Odsal, North Yorkshire (near Bradford)
All Entries for Sedburgh Centre Venue. Tel: 01274 679843

Street Dance Class

Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street, Dancesport Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice. Admission £3.50. Class for beginners and younger children,
Street Dance Class
Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street, Dancesport Instruction at Int/Advanced to Showcase & Competition level, . Admission £2.50. Competition Class. This is an extra practice class for those pupils who want to Compete.
Street Dance Class
Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street, Dancesport Instruction at Intermediate to Advanced level, Practice. Admission £4.00. Thsi class is for older children and those who have danced before.
Shipley, West Yorkshire (2compassmiles)
Classes in Steeton, Keighley, Crosshills.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballroom, Ballet (English).
Contact: Christine Goode
Tel: 01535 634433, 0770877850
All Entries for The May School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
JThe May School of Dance, 6 Briarfield Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 2DQ
All Entries for The May School of Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Ballroom Dance Class

Latin American, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Ballroom, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Bradford, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Gymnastic Dance, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Contact: Margaret De'ath
Tel: 07966 939064
Email: Dylan's Academy of Dance.
All Entries for Dylan's Academy of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
KSt James Church Hall, Bolton Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD2 4LH
All Entries for St James Church Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Stage, Freestyle, Gymnastic, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Hunsworth, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)

White Rose School of Dancing

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Stage Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Judith Davison
Tel: 01274 869124
All Entries for White Rose School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
LHunsworth Community Centre, Green Lane, Hunsworth, West Yorkshire
All Entries for Hunsworth Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Stage, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Low Moor, North Yorkshire (3compassmiles)
Dancestars School of Dance

Dancestars School of Dance

 For the best tuition in disco freestyle, rock and roll and streetdance. All ages welcome from 3+years. Adult classes available from 16+years. Classes on Wednesdays at Harold Club ,Low Moor , Bradford and Saturdays at Sedburgh Centre Odsal.Private lessons also available. Competitions, exams and shows or just for fun. First class free! Fully qualified teacher with ISTD.Other styles of dance may be available on request. Ring or see website for details.
Regular Dance Classes, Dance Company. Dance Styles: Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street Dance, Dancesport.
Contact: Jennifer Zurek
Tel: 01274677400, 07900063639
All Entries for Dancestars School of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/8/2006)
MHarold Club, Huddersfield Road, Low Moor, North Yorkshire (near Bradford)
All Entries for Harold Club Venue.
Street Dance Class
Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street, Dancesport Instruction, Practice. Admission £3.50. Children's Disco.
Street Dance Class
Rock 'n' Roll, Disco, Aerobic, Dancercise, Street, Dancesport Instruction, Practice. Admission £3.00. Class for adults (16+) who wnat to keep fit and have fun or even compete!
Saltaire, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)
Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

 "We all keep fit and have some fun. No sit ups squats or bends. We really love our line dancing; we're called the Best Of Friends".
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Geoffrey Ellis, Celia
Tel: 01535 609190, 07771 616537
Email: Best Of Friends Line Dance Club.
All Entries for Best Of Friends Line Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/8/2010)
N> Victoria Hall, Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 4PS
Website. All Entries for Victoria Hall Venue. Between Keighley & Bradford off A650 take A657 signposted Leeds off Saltaire roundabout. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Intermediate level, Practice. Bring your own drinks.Friendly class. Free Buffet once per Month.
22 Sep 07
Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

 "We all keep fit and have some fun. No sit ups squats or bends. We really love our line dancing; we're called the Best Of Friends".
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Geoffrey Ellis, Celia
Tel: 01535 609190, 07771 616537
Email: Best Of Friends Line Dance Club.
All Entries for Best Of Friends Line Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/8/2010)
N< Victoria Hall, Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 4PS
Website. All Entries for Victoria Hall Venue. Between Keighley & Bradford off A650 take A657 signposted Leeds off Saltaire roundabout. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Social Line Dance

Line Instruction, Practice, Dancing. Best of Friends Social.
Shelf, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)
Classes in Bradford
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Street Dance.
Contact: Jennifer Zurek
Tel: 01274 677400
Email: Dancestars (Halifax).
All Entries for Dancestars (Halifax) Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
ODancestars, 16 Eskdale Avenue, Shelf, West Yorkshire, HX3 7NH (near Halifax)
All Entries for Dancestars Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Street Dance Class
Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Street Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
21 Aug 10
Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

Best Of Friends Line Dance Club

 "We all keep fit and have some fun. No sit ups squats or bends. We really love our line dancing; we're called the Best Of Friends".
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Geoffrey Ellis, Celia
Tel: 01535 609190, 07771 616537
Email: Best Of Friends Line Dance Club.
All Entries for Best Of Friends Line Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/8/2010)
PShelf Village Hall, Halifax Road, Shelf, West Yorkshire, HX3 7NT (near halifax)
All Entries for Shelf Village Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Linedance Social

Line Practice, Social Dancing. £5.00 for whole evening.Age 16 & under £2.50, Non dancers £1 Licensed Bar, Supper, Everybody Welcome. Further details from Celia or Geoff 01535 609190 or 07771 616537.
Shipley, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)

CC Dance Company

 At CC Dance Company we are committed to encouraging all dancers and performers to strive for excellence and enjoy the journey along the way. We believe each child has the ability to increase her/​his physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being through our dance tuition. CC Dance encourages strong self-confidence, self-respect, discipline and appreciation through the fine arts of performance.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Sequence, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Contacts: Clare Quinn, Catriona Murdock
Tel: 01274 585317
Email: CC Dance Company.
All Entries for CC Dance Company Organisation.
(Last Edited: 2/8/2018)
QThe Studios, Briggate, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 7BT
All Entries for The Studios Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Line, Modern Sequence, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Ballroom, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Vogue Dance

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Aerobic, Ballet, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Gymnastic Dance, Street Dance, Ballet (English).
Contact: Vicky Marjanovic
Tel: 07736469270
Email: Vogue Dance.
All Entries for Vogue Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/2/2008)
RVogue Dance, First Floor, 21-25 Kirkgate, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3QW
All Entries for Vogue Dance Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballet, Street Dance Class

Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Aerobic, Ballet, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Gymnastic, Street, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Ballet (English).
Tel: 01274 586866
Email: Wilson Dance Centre.
All Entries for Wilson Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
SCrown Studios, John Street, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3HU
All Entries for Crown Studios Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Thornton, West Yorkshire (3compassmiles)

Harrogate Dance Centre

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Dance, Cheerleading.
Contact: Darren Hodgson
Tel: 01274 427363
Email: Harrogate Dance Centre.
All Entries for Harrogate Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 19/11/2007)
THarrogate Dance Centre, 22 Albert Street, Thornton, West Yorkshire, BD13 3ER
All Entries for Harrogate Dance Centre Venue.

Line, Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Line, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Bradford, West Yorkshire (4compassmiles)

ND Dance Academy

 ND Dance Academy are the leading dance school in Bradford, West Yorkshire for street dance, Zumba, Bokwa and Glee classes which are provided for students of all abilities and ages. The company has dedicated their expertise to providing a professional level dance educational academy for children and adults alike, delivering their classes in a fun and exciting environment while focusing on the fundamentals required to be able to deliver the highest level of dance tuition available.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Jazz Dance, Dancercise, Freestyle Dance, Exercise Dance, Contemporary Dance, Fitness, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Hip-Hop. Callers by Appointment Only.
Contacts: Natasha Persson, Alex Graves
Tel: 07966841118, 01274621353
All Entries for ND Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/12/2017)
U> Springfield Community Centre, Idlethope Way, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD10 9JB
All Entries for Springfield Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Glee Dance Class

Junior, Pre-School, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Admission £3.00. 3 - 17 years.
Street Dance Class
Junior, Pre-School, Street Instruction, Practice. Admission £3.00. 3 years+.

Bokwa Zumba Mix & Abs Blast

Aerobic, Junior, Acro, Zumba Instruction, Practice Dancing. Admission £3.00. For Adults & Teens.

ND Dance Academy

 ND Dance Academy are the leading dance school in Bradford, West Yorkshire for street dance, Zumba, Bokwa and Glee classes which are provided for students of all abilities and ages. The company has dedicated their expertise to providing a professional level dance educational academy for children and adults alike, delivering their classes in a fun and exciting environment while focusing on the fundamentals required to be able to deliver the highest level of dance tuition available.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Jazz Dance, Dancercise, Freestyle Dance, Exercise Dance, Contemporary Dance, Fitness, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Hip-Hop. Callers by Appointment Only.
Contacts: Natasha Persson, Alex Graves
Tel: 07966841118, 01274621353
All Entries for ND Dance Academy Organisation.
(Last Edited: 17/12/2017)
U< Springfield Community Centre, Idlethope Way, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD10 9JB
All Entries for Springfield Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Junior Dance Class
Junior, Pre-School, Lyrical Instruction, Practice. 3 years +.
Junior Dance Class
Junior, Zumba Instruction, Practice. Adults & Teens.
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