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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire.


Little Paxton Village Hall, High Street, Little Paxton, St. Neots


L.A. Dance Club, 12 Lottings Way, Eaton Ford


Eynesbury C of E Primary School, Montagu St, Eynesbury, St Neots


Conservative Club, 12 New Street, St Neots


Ceroc St Neots, The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots, Cambs, St Neots, Cambs


Stageworks, The Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots


Buckden Millennium Community Centre, Burberry Road, Buckden

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.

Little Paxton Village Hall, High Street, Little Paxton, St. Neots


L.A. Dance Club, 12 Lottings Way, Eaton Ford


Eynesbury C of E Primary School, Montagu St, Eynesbury, St Neots


Conservative Club, 12 New Street, St Neots


Ceroc St Neots, The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots, Cambs, St Neots, Cambs


Stageworks, The Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots


Buckden Millennium Community Centre, Burberry Road, Buckden

The results in the table below are all within 0-3 miles of target.
Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire
Val Self

West 'N' Dance

 My name is Val Self and I run West 'N' Dance Line Dancing, and Anglia Dance Events. I am a fully qualified professional dancer and teacher. I organise Line Dance Holidays and Weekends, both in the UK and abroad, both independently and in conjunction with Line Music Promotions. I also run and coordinate dance evenings and weekends incorporating many different dance styles including ballroom, latin, salsa and jive. I am available for private functions as instructor and DJ...
Event Organiser, DJ & Disco, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Val Self
Tel: 01767 677056, 07754 748747
Fax: 01767 677056
Email: West 'N' Dance.
All Entries for West 'N' Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 29/12/2014)
A> Little Paxton Village Hall, High Street, Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire, PE19 4EY (near St. Neots)
All Entries for Little Paxton Village Hall Venue. Tel: 01480 474343. Disabled parking bays. Disabled toilet with alarm. Disabled toilet without alarm. Handrails. Hearing induction loop with instructions. Public telephone. Wheelchair access ramp. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line Dance Class

Line Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice at Complete Novice to Beginner level.

Little Paxton Old Time and Sequence

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Classical Sequence.
Contact: Jim & Joyce Fordham
Tel: 01223 262792
All Entries for Little Paxton Old Time and Sequence Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/4/1999)
A< Little Paxton Village Hall, High Street, Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire, PE19 4EY (near St. Neots)
All Entries for Little Paxton Village Hall Venue. Tel: 01480 474343. Disabled parking bays. Disabled toilet with alarm. Disabled toilet without alarm. Handrails. Hearing induction loop with instructions. Public telephone. Wheelchair access ramp. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Modern Sequence Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Classical Sequence Dancing. Contact organiser for further details.
Eaton Ford, Cambridgeshire (2compassmiles)

L.A. Dance Club

Classes in St Ives and St Neots
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Dance.
Contact: Lynn Armsby
Tel: 01480 212172, 07740 643474
All Entries for L.A. Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 14/11/2007)
BL.A. Dance Club, 12 Lottings Way, Eaton Ford, Cambridgeshire, PE19 7QX
All Entries for L.A. Dance Club Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom, Street Dance Class

Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Street Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire (2compassmiles)
An informal Scottish Country Dance Club. We meet on Mondays during school terms. Come any week, no need to bring a partner, complete beginners and experienced dancers welcome. Scottish dress only used on special occasions. First night free, then £2.50 per night which includes tea and biscuits at half time!
Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Scottish Country Dance.
Contacts: Barbara McManus, Philip Shaw
Tel: 01480-473560, 01480-474569
Email: St Neots Scottish Country Dance Club.
All Entries for St Neots Scottish Country Dance Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 20/11/2018)
CEynesbury C of E Primary School, Montagu St, Eynesbury, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2TD no smoke sign
Website. All Entries for Eynesbury C of E Primary School Venue. Car Parking. Turn into Montagu St by St Mary's Church Eynesbury and immediately right into school lane. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Informal Scottish Country Dancing

Scottish Country, Scottish Live, Instruction, Practice, Social Dancing. Admission £2.50. For further details: Info. Informal Scottish Country dancing for all levels including complete beginners. Every Monday evening during term time. No need to bring a partner. First evening free. Free tea, coffee and biscuits at half time.
St Neots, Cambridgeshire (2compassmiles)
Rug-Cutters Jitterbug


 We first started dancing Lindyhop together in 1999 and in 2002 we were asked to co-teach with Mark & Hoc of Cambs & Beds Lindyhop Experience. We have been lucky enough to perform for the Glenn Miller Festival as part of Cambs & Beds Lindyhop Experience, choreographing our own routines, as well as for the American ambassador, won two small local dance competitions in Lindyhop as well as performing at a number of dance weekend events.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances. Dance Styles: Lindy Hop, Swing Dance, Jive.
Contact: Paul & Fae
Tel: 01480 380687
Email: Rug-Cutters.
All Entries for Rug-Cutters Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/5/2014)
DConservative Club, 12 New Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1AE
All Entries for Conservative Club Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Jive Dance Class

Lindy Hop, Swing, Jive Instruction, Practice.
01 Aug 17
29 Dec 19

Ceroc St Neots

Weekly modern jive classes in Cambs & Herts. Learn to dance in a fun & relaxed atmosphere. No fancy workwork & NO need to bring a partner as we rotate partners throughout the night. Come on your own or with a friend, always a great night out. Great central venue with licensed bar. Parking outside Waitrose car park Tuesday's @ 7.45 - 10.45pm The Priory Centre, Priory Lane St Neots PE19 2BH
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ceroc.
Contact: Michaella Walker
Tel: 07801 734268
Email: Ceroc St Neots.
All Entries for Ceroc St Neots Organisation.
(Last Edited: 21/7/2017)
ECeroc St Neots, The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots, Cambs, St Neots, Cambs, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2BH no smoke sign
All Entries for Ceroc St Neots Venue. Stage. Parking outside Waitrose Car park Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ceroc St Neots

Ceroc Course, Instruction, Practice, Social Dancing. Doors open 00:00. Admission £8.00. Licensed Bar. Non-Alcoholic Bar. To book or for further details: Tel: 07801 734268.
Buckden, Cambridgeshire (3compassmiles)
Stageworks Performing Arts Studio is the ideal venue to cater for everyone's Performing Arts needs. From Fun Courses, Holiday Courses and Foundation Courses through to Three-Year Vocational Courses.
Dance College, Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Contemporary Dance, Singing.
Tel: 01480 81 26 26
Email: Stageworks.
All Entries for Stageworks Organisation.
(Last Edited: 22/3/2010)
FBased at: Stageworks, The Towers, High Street, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5TA (near St. Neots)
All Entries for Stageworks Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Contemporary, Singing Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
 Ballet, Tap, Stage Dance Class
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Stage, Contemporary, Singing Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Ballroom and Latin American dance classes for all levels beginners to advanced from a Fellow of the International Dance Teachers Association and former championship competitor. Professional training available and choreographing first wedding dance routines.
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Professional Training, Workshops. Dance Styles: Modern Sequence, Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Tango (Argentine), Salsa Dance, Merengue, Classical Sequence, Mambo, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz (Viennese), Rumba, Samba, Tango (Ballroom), Quickstep, Paso Doble, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Jive, Tango Dance.
Contacts: Alan Doyle, Nicola Buckley
Tel: 07967598435, 01223511506
All Entries for Alan Doyle School of Dancing Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/1/2011)
GBuckden Millennium Community Centre, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY
All Entries for Buckden Millennium Community Centre Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa, Ballroom, Jive Dance Class

Modern Sequence, Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Tango (Argentine), Salsa, Merengue, Classical Sequence, Mambo, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz (Viennese), Rumba, Samba, Tango (Ballroom), Quickstep, Paso Doble, Jive (Ballroom), Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Jive, Tango Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Linedance classes in St Ives, Huntingdon, Ramsey. Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm -BeginnersImprovers; Methodist Church Hall, St Ives. Wednesday 1:45pm - 3:15pm - Improvers+ Wednesday 8:15pm-9:45pm -Improvers+ Medway Centre, Huntingdon. Thursday 11:15am-12:30pm -Beginners, Burleigh Centre, St Ives. Thursday 1:45pm-3:30pm -Beginners, Community Centre, Ramsey. All sessions are £4 per person (includes tea & coffee)
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Dawn Morgan, Lorraine Dubose
Tel: 01487 824143, 01480 494367
All Entries for Bootscooterz Linedancers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 12/1/2016)
H> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Line Dance Class
Line Instruction at Beginner level, Practice at Beginner level.
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Blues at the Den - Modern Blues classes

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Tango, Blues Live, Instruction at Complete Novice to Advanced level, Practice, Social Dancing. Doors open 19:30. Admission £8.00. Licensed Bar.Do you want to advance your dance skills with one of the top teachers in the UK? Are you looking for a friendly Modern Blues & Jive club where the dancers strive to be the best they can be, while remembering to have fun? Do you want to spend the night dancing to luscious tunes played by some of the best DJs on the circuit? Sara White's Blues Nites are a sparkling example of the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes, regular workshops and optional one to one tuition. With a focus on letting the music lead, and playing top notch tracks that allow you to express yourself through the music, the Blues Nites DJ team will lead you on a musical journey that will take you way beyond the usual run of the mill music while keeping the night fresh and the tracks eminently danceable. Sara White's Blues Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go. Beginners are welcome any week - no need to bring a partner!
20 Jun 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
beautiful burlesque.jpg

Burlesque themed Freestyle

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A night devoted to corsets, feathers, heels, gloves and suggestiveness... And that's just the guys! Seriously though, we're looking forward to dressing up, acting up and playing up to all that is Burlesque. The theme is entirely optional, but I'm looking forward to a very feathery night! There is even the possibility that we'll be able to excite and delight you on the night with a short Burlesque performance by some of our luscious lads and lady dancers... . We will be offering reduced price entry for all those who turn up in Burlesque themed outfits, so you can grab yourself a bargain night out for only £10... (£12 standard entry price if you do not wear Burlesque outfit, extra £2 will go towards subsidising a future event) Guys... Look out for a bowler hat, a clean white vest and some braces - and get practicing with the guy-liner! ;0) More details:
19 Mar 16
20 Mar 16
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Blues BootCamp

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Workshop, Course, Weekender, Instruction, Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 09:30. £120.00 for all sessions. Bring your own drinks. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. Our aim is to meet you at whatever stage on your dance journey that you may already be, and push you harder to take you further. We'll be working on everything you could possibly need to get you a long way closer to becoming the dancer you want to be. You'll get out of it what you are prepared to put in to it. We'll be working you hard so you can reward yourself with tangible results. Musicality – opening your mind, training your ear, introducing you to a lifelong symbiotic relationship between the music and the dance. Technique – drilling the fundamental core skills that provide the platform for dance development, and ridding you of any bad habits and sloppy ways that may have hindered your progress so far. Spontaneity and Individuality – as dance is a creative art form, we'll be encouraging you to develop beyond a series of cloned moves and into a world of symbiotic movement to music, which lives and breathes in the moment. Style and Flair – if a job's worth doing, it's worth looking good while you're doing it! We'll be defining and refining poise, posture, carriage and core development. Through a series of assessments, drills, training sessions, whole class teaching sessions, focused guided group work, individual targets, and freestyle sessions our Blues Boot Camp is designed to provide an intense and safe learning experience that works you hard and yields real results. This intensive weekend is aimed at total newcomers to Blues dance and will also catapult New-2- Blues graduates to a new level of proficiency and style by integrating and extended everything they've learned on their Blues Journey so far. More experienced Blues dancers will also benefit from a 'back to basics' approach that will take into consideration your current dance experience and take you way beyond. Sara White's Blues Boot Camp – unleashing the Blues in you! Pricing Plan: Day One (including evening freestyle) - £50 Day Two (including evening freestyle) - £50 Whole weekend package (including 2 freestyles) - £85 More details:
27 Feb 16
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpg

Purple Party Nite

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £10.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
26 Dec 15
27 Dec 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Boxing Day Blues.jpg

Boxing Day Blues

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. Come dance the turkey off with us . . Blissfully Blues is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
19 Mar 16
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpg

Little Black Dress Nite

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £10.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. Get your Little Black Dress out, dress smart and join us for a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...and for this one we're getting out our LBDs and dressing to impress... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
28 Nov 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpg

Purple Party

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
11 Jul 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpgPurple Party
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
24 Oct 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpgLittle Black Dress Nite
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
22 Aug 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpgPurple Party
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
26 Sep 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpgPurple Party
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
26 Dec 15
27 Dec 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Boxing Day Blues.jpgBoxing Day Blues
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. Come Dance off the Christmas turkey with us. . . Blissfully Blues is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
09 Apr 16
10 Apr 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
blissfully wwlof.jpgPurple Party
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Doors open 19:30. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
19 Dec 15
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 blissfully wwlof.jpgPurple Party
Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Contact organiser for times and further details. Doors open 20:00. Admission £12.00. Licensed Bar. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07921 633650. A Purple Party is a late-night freestyle event aimed at dancers who love to submerge themselves into the very heart of the music they dance to, and allow that delicious state of Blues-Bliss to wash over them...gorgeous blues tunes mixed delicately with some higher temp numbers for a real blues party... It's also for those dancers who are taking their first steps away from Modern Jive freestyles and are ready to test the water at a Blues event. The music will be a merger of all that is fresh 'n' funky in modern Blues right through to the more traditional elements you'd expect to hear in a Blues-room - and everything in between. The bar will be open til midnight and there is always fresh, iced water available. This venue is the home of Sara White events - a friendly venue with a great dance floor. As always, click 'attending' on our Facebook page or contact us, at directly, to get yourself on our 'Special List' and claim reduced price entry of only £10. (£12 door price)
26 Feb 16
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H<> Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.


Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues Party, Dancing. Contact organiser for further details. Admission £10.00. Licensed Bar.We can't wait for another one of our favourite nights brought to you by Pulse and Sara White! Always a great set played by the very popular and talented Myra, and there will be no exception to that on the 8th with music to suit all dance styles and which will give you that magical buzz on the dance floor. Extra sweets on the tables to accomodate Dino's ferocious appetite...AND the usual popular cakes and fruit at 10pm. £10 on the night or £8 if you pay in advance or put you're attending on FB. See for more information
12 Mar 16
Sara White Jive Nites

Sara White's Blues Nites

 Dedicated to bringing you the very best in modern dance. Sara's unique teaching style will propel you to become the dancer you want to be, through the weekly classes,regular workshops and unique freestyle events. Jive Nites has an enviable reputation as one of the best dance providers around. With a special emphasis on Blues and stylish dance that focusses on the symbiosis of music, lead and follow, dancers who have learnt their floorcraft with Sara White are in demand wherever they go.
Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing Dance, Ceroc, Tango Dance, Blues, Burlesque.
Contacts: Sara White, Tim Hodgson
Tel: 07921633650
All Entries for Sara White's Blues Nites Organisation.
(Last Edited: 25/1/2016)
H< Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, Cambridgeshire, PE19 5UY (near St Neotsno smoke sign
All Entries for Buckden Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Stage.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Blues in Bury freestyle and workshop

Tango (Argentine), Jive (French & Modern), Swing, Ceroc, Tango, Blues, Burlesque Instruction at Beginner to Advanced level, Practice at Beginner to Advanced level, Social Dancing at Beginner to Advanced level. Admission £10.00. Licensed Bar.Building on the enthusiasm of the dancers we've met in Bury this year - we're looking forward to hosting 3 more Bury events in 2016! We'll be running a workshop and an evening freestyle session each time, you can attend either - or better still, both! We'll be running a full afternoon workshop session on Saturday 12th March aimed at furthering your connection with Modern Blues dancing, followed by an evening of Blues-focused freestyle. From the basics of connection, musicality, close-hold movement and spontaneous choreography - we'll be building upon your existing dance skills to create dance that is fluid, dynamic and expressive. We'll be exploring how you can use music to guide your dance and how to feel both stylish and confident on the social dance floor. Whether you have been to one of our workshops before, or if this is your first time, we'll be aiming to help you make the progress you are looking for. And then, when you are full to the brim with new skills and enthusiasm, we'll be able to enjoy a whole evening of delicious, Bluesy freestyle - to put everything into practice! Tea and coffee will be provided. Free free to bring your own drinks and snacks. Oooh, and maybe some cake for sharing! More information at Workshop Only - £25 per person (£40 for Mixed Sex Couples) Workshop and Freestyle combo - £30 per person (£50 for Mixed Sex Couples) Freestyle Only - £10 Online booking is now available. Use the drop down menu to find the combination that suits you.
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