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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Leominster, Hereford-~-Worcester.


Monkland Village Hall, Monkland, Leominster


Hope-under-Dinmmore Village Hall, Hope-under-Dinmore, Leominster


Burford Village Hall, 2 Penlu Road, Burford, Tenbury Wells


Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow


Ludlow Assembly, Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, Ludlow, Hereford


The Courtyard Centre for the Arts, Edgar Street, Hereford


Pure Studios, 27 Holmer Road, Hereford

The results in the table below are all within 3-21 miles of target.

Monkland Village Hall, Monkland, Leominster


Hope-under-Dinmmore Village Hall, Hope-under-Dinmore, Leominster


Burford Village Hall, 2 Penlu Road, Burford, Tenbury Wells


Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow


Ludlow Assembly, Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, Ludlow, Hereford


The Courtyard Centre for the Arts, Edgar Street, Hereford


Pure Studios, 27 Holmer Road, Hereford

The results in the table below are all within 3-21 miles of target.
Leominster, Hereford & Worcester (3compassmiles)
17 Sep 18
Bellydance tuition and performance with qualified instructor.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Abbie Mason
Tel: 07962 161081
All Entries for Alanya Bellydance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2018)
AMonkland Village Hall, Monkland, Leominster, Hereford & Worcester, HR6 9DD no smoke sign
All Entries for Monkland Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Turn right opposite the Monkland Arms on the A44. Past the Cheese Shop, hall is the first building on the left, about 100yards past Cheese Shop. Show Venue on Google Earth.

Bellydance with Alanya

Belly Instruction, Social Dancing. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07962 161081. Classes postponed until further notice. Please visit my website for online tuition and events. Fun, feminine dance form suitable for all ages (14+), body types and fitness levels. Tutor Alanya holds a JWAAD Diploma in Teaching Arabic Dance
Hope-under-Dinmore, Hereford & Worcester (4compassmiles)
08 Jun 22

Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire

 BWDA & UKDC qualified line dance instructor. I teach choreographed dances to all kinds of different music styles, Latin, Irish and Country music. This is a fantastic way to learn dances and is good exercise both mentally and physically. Meet new people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Complete beginners and improvers/​intermediates catered for. No partner required, but why not bring a group of friends so you can all learn together. Two left feet welcome
Private Coaching, Professional Association, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Not Location Based. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Country Western, Waltz (CW).
Contact: Karen Knight
Tel: 07977 796582
All Entries for Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/5/2022)
BHope-under-Dinmmore Village Hall, Hope-under-Dinmore, Hereford & Worcester, HR6 0PP (near Leominsterno smoke sign
All Entries for Hope-under-Dinmmore Village Hall Venue. Car Parking. Hope-under-Dinmore is accessed by turning off the A49 at Hope-under-Dinmore and following the road. The Hall can be located on the right-hand side. The Hall has a wooden dance floor Show Venue on Google Earth.

Step-In-Time - Modern Line Dance Classes

Line, Country Western, Waltz (CW) Masterclass, Workshop, Course, Instruction, Practice. Doors open 18:15. Admission £5.00. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07977 796582. Learn to line dance with qualified BWDA & UKDC Instructor. All levels and abilities accommodated. No previous dance experience necessary. Open to all ages - children to be accompanied by an adult at all times. No booking required - just turn up and have fun. Absolute beginner level - if you have never danced before, come along to my absolute beginner lessons. Learn the basic steps and you will soon be dancing. Beginner level - once you have an idea of the steps come to the beginner classes to enable you to progress. Most people attending the absolute beginner class also stay for the beginner. Improver / Intermediate level - these lessons are for people who have previous experience of dancing. Whether you already dance on a regular basis or haven't danced in some time, this will be great fun. Cost: £5 for adults; £3 for under 16's
Burford, Hereford & Worcester (10compassmiles)
09 Jun 22

Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire

 BWDA & UKDC qualified line dance instructor. I teach choreographed dances to all kinds of different music styles, Latin, Irish and Country music. This is a fantastic way to learn dances and is good exercise both mentally and physically. Meet new people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Complete beginners and improvers/​intermediates catered for. No partner required, but why not bring a group of friends so you can all learn together. Two left feet welcome
Private Coaching, Professional Association, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Not Location Based. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Country Western, Waltz (CW).
Contact: Karen Knight
Tel: 07977 796582
All Entries for Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/5/2022)
CBurford Village Hall, 2 Penlu Road, Burford, Hereford & Worcester, WR15 8LA (near Tenbury Wellsno smoke sign
All Entries for Burford Village Hall Venue. Burford Village Hall is accessed off Penlu Road down a lane which takes you to a large car park fort the hall and playing field. It has a wooden dance floor Show Venue on Google Earth.
Step-In-Time - Modern Line Dance Classes
Line, Country Western, Waltz (CW) Masterclass, Workshop, Course, Instruction, Practice. Doors open 19:30. Admission £5.00. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07977 796582. Learn to line dance with qualified BWDA & UKDC Instructor. All levels and abilities accommodated. No previous dance experience necessary. Open to all ages - children to be accompanied by an adult at all times. No booking required - just turn up and have fun. Absolute beginner level - if you have never danced before, come along to my absolute beginner lessons. Learn the basic steps and you will soon be dancing. Beginner level - once you have an idea of the steps come to the beginner classes to enable you to progress. Most people attending the absolute beginner class also stay for the beginner. Improver / Intermediate level - these lessons are for people who have previous experience of dancing. Whether you already dance on a regular basis or haven't danced in some time, this will be great fun. Cost: £5 for adults; £3 for under 16's
Ludlow, Shropshire (10compassmiles)
29 Oct 06
For information on Ludlow Tango Club, please go to our web site:
CDs, Cassettes, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine).
Contacts: Rai Fisher, Jeremy Weston
Tel: 01584 861662, 01568 610109
Email: Ludlow Tango.
All Entries for Ludlow Tango Organisation.
(Last Edited: 1/10/2007)
DLudlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1AZ
All Entries for Ludlow Assembly Rooms Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Tango & Waltz Workshops

Tango (Argentine), Waltz Workshop, Instruction, Practice Dancing. To book or for further details: Tel: 07891 688824. Complete Beginners Intensive Tango Workshop, with international Tango Masters Alison Vale & Clo de Castro- 1-4pm (£15). Followed by a Waltz workshop from 4-6pm (£12).
17 Feb 07
The Ludlow Tango club. Practica every Wednesdays at the Ludlow assembly rooms 8pm to 10.30pm Great wooden floor and a good place to dance
Dance Studio/School. Dance Styles: Tango (Argentine), Tango Dance.
Contacts: Jeremy Weston, Rai Fisher
Tel: 01568 610109, 07976646476
All Entries for Ludlow Tango Club Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/2/2007)
ELudlow Assembly, Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1AZ (near Hereford)
Website. All Entries for Ludlow Assembly Venue.

Tango workshops

Tango (Argentine), Tango Course, Instruction at Beginner to Intermediate level Dancing. Doors open 00:00. Admission £8.50. £15.00 for all sessions. Bring your own drinks. Licensed Bar. Non-Alcoholic Bar. To book or for further details: Book, Tel: 01568 610109. Beginners and Intermediate Lessons at Ludlow Assembly Rooms (in Oscars) February 17th and March 3rd 1:00pm to 4:00pm Beginner's class: 1:00 pm to 2:45 pm including ½ an hour's practice - £8.50. Beginner's progression class on March 3rd - £8.50, or £15.00 for both Intermediate class: 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm - £8.50 March 3rd Intermediate class: 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm - £8.50 or £15.00 for both. Contact: or Jeremy 01568-610109 Rai 01584-861662 Ludlow Assembly Rooms 1 Mill Street Ludlow
Hereford, Hereford & Worcester (11compassmiles)
2Faced Dance Company are the leading urban dance specialists in Herefordshire offering a wide range of classes to children and young people aged 2 - 24 years. Classes take place across Herefordshire and are taught by leading industry experts, are professional, fun, creative and structured. All students get to take part in performances.
Dance Studio/School, GCSE and A Level Tuition, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Dance Company, Professional Training, Performances, Workshops. Dance Styles: Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Fitness, Street Dance, Hip-Hop, Break Dance.
Contacts: M Evans, F Hay
Tel: 01432 276807
All Entries for 2Faced Dance Company Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/9/2012)
FThe Courtyard Centre for the Arts, Edgar Street, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR4 9JR
All Entries for The Courtyard Centre for the Arts Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet, Street Dance Class

Ballet, Contemporary, Fitness, Street, Hip-Hop, Break Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Our aim is to get women (and men!) of all ages, shapes and sizes to grow in confidence and lose weight, tone up and have fun along the way! At Pure-Studios all our instructors are fully qualified and first aid trained. They have been through extensive training to reach our high standards. Our instructors are PPL licensed so we can bring you the music you love. All of our students and instructors are very friendly and will make you feel relaxed and welcome within minutes.
Dance Studio/School, Dance Company, Own Choreography. Dance Styles: Pole Dance, Burlesque, Zumba. Callers by Appointment Only.
Contact: Annie Norris
Tel: 07748 087 909
All Entries for Pure-Studios Organisation.
(Last Edited: 16/11/2011)
GPure Studios, 27 Holmer Road, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR4 9RX
All Entries for Pure Studios Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Pole Dance Class

Pole, Burlesque, Zumba Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Hagley, Hereford & Worcester (12compassmiles)
Slappin' leather line dance is based in the Black Country, the warm heart of England.
Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contact: Med & Megan Boxwell
Tel: 01562 720128, 0410360386
Email: Slappin' Leather Line Dance.
All Entries for Slappin' Leather Line Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 6/2/2004)
HBased at: Slappin' Leather Line Dance, 40 Church Street, Hagley, Hereford & Worcester, DY9 0NA
All Entries for Slappin' Leather Line Dance Venue.

Line Dance Class

Line Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Hereford, Hereford & Worcester (12compassmiles)
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle Dance, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading.
Contact: Karen and
Tel: 01432 353756
Email: Allseasons Dance and Leisure.
All Entries for Allseasons Dance and Leisure Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
IThe Studio, 35 Friar Street, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR4 0AS
All Entries for The Studio Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Salsa, Ballroom Dance Class

Line, Modern Sequence, Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Freestyle, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

Body Language Dance and Entertainment

Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Jazz Dance, Stage Dance, Freestyle Dance, Street Dance, Pop-Video Dance, Cheerleading.
Contact: Emma Dolloway
Tel: 07796 496400
Email: Body Language Dance and Entertainment.
All Entries for Body Language Dance and Entertainment Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
JHereford, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester
All Entries for Hereford Venue.

Stage, Street Dance Class

Jazz, Stage, Freestyle, Street, Pop-Video, Cheerleading Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
The 3Degreez Cheerleaders are based in Hereford, UK and are members of the British Cheerleading Association. Run by Ruth Litchfield & Katie Bowcott-Hall. At present we have two squads: 3Degreez Dynamoz Age 6-11 and the 3Degreez Age 11-16 If you would like more information please contact us - we are always looking for new members to join our team :-). No experience needed - come along and have some fun!
Dance Wear, Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Dance Company, Event & Party Suppliers, Professional Training, School Directory, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops. Dance Styles: Club Dance, Cheerleading, Commercial. Callers by Appointment Only. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Ruth & Katie
Tel: 07792254217, 07837382816
Email: Hereford's 3Degreez Cheerleading Squad.
All Entries for Hereford's 3Degreez Cheerleading Squad Organisation.
(Last Edited: 20/1/2013)
KSt Thomas Cantilupe CofE Primary School, Coningsby Street, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 2DY
All Entries for St Thomas Cantilupe CofE Primary School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Club Dance Class

Club, Cheerleading, Commercial Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.

FitSteps with Jacquie

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Salsa Dance, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble, Dancercise, Exercise Dance, Bossa Nova, Ballroom, Fitness, Jive, Tango Dance, Charleston.
Contact: Jacquie Winchester
Tel: 07979 208436
All Entries for FitSteps with Jacquie Organisation.
(Last Edited: 30/1/2017)
L> St Peter's Church House, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 2DL no smoke sign
All Entries for St Peter's Church House Venue. Opposite Shire Hall. Looking at St Peter's Church the Church House is tucked in just to the right of the church itself. Enter the building and turn left to the main hall Show Venue on Google Earth.

FitSteps classes

Latin American, Salsa, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble, Dancercise, Exercise, Bossa Nova, Ballroom, Fitness, Jive, Tango, Charleston Instruction, Practice, Social Dancing. Admission £5.00. To book or for further details: Tel: 07979 208436. FitSteps® dance workout mixes the graceful steps of Ballroom and the up tempo steps of Latin dances to create fun-filled classes where you don't even realise you're getting fit! Transform your body and have fun dancing to music that will get your heart pumping and your face smiling! Exercise class format so no partner required. Wear comfortable clothing and trainers or similar footwear and bring a drink of water/squash

FitSteps with Jacquie

Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Latin American, Salsa Dance, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble, Dancercise, Exercise Dance, Bossa Nova, Ballroom, Fitness, Jive, Tango Dance, Charleston.
Contact: Jacquie Winchester
Tel: 07979 208436
All Entries for FitSteps with Jacquie Organisation.
(Last Edited: 30/1/2017)
L< St Peter's Church House, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 2DL no smoke sign
All Entries for St Peter's Church House Venue. Opposite Shire Hall. Looking at St Peter's Church the Church House is tucked in just to the right of the church itself. Enter the building and turn left to the main hall Show Venue on Google Earth.

FitSteps classes (low impact)

Latin American, Salsa, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble, Dancercise, Exercise, Bossa Nova, Ballroom, Fitness, Jive, Tango, Charleston Instruction, Practice, Social Dancing. Admission £5.00. To book or for further details: Tel: 07979 208436. FitSteps FAB (for ALL bodies) takes steps from 'character' dances such as the Charleston, Flamenco and Argentine Tango along with international dance styles such as Bhangra to create a fun exercise class that is suitable for everyone from the young to the young at heart. Being low impact, it is also an ideal program for anyone recovering from injury or a more sedentary person wanting to start an exercise regime although higher intensity options are also available for those wanting a more energetic workout. Exercise class format so no partner required Wear comfortable clothing and trainers or similar footwear and bring a drink of water/squash
21 Sep 18
Bellydance tuition and performance with qualified instructor.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Abbie Mason
Tel: 07962 161081
All Entries for Alanya Bellydance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2018)
MCafe Miro Studio, 43 St Owen's Street, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 2JB no smoke sign
All Entries for Cafe Miro Studio Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Bellydance with Alanya
Belly Instruction at Beginner to Intermediate level. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07962 161081. Classes postponed until further notice. Please visit my website for ONLINE tuition and events. A fun, feminine dance form suitable for all ages and body types. No need to expose your tummy! Beginners and dancers alike welcome.
Belmont, Hereford & Worcester (13compassmiles)
Single Star.jpg

Line Dancing Single Star

 I am a very experienced Line dance teacher (over 23 years in the same hall), and like teaching Beginners. Our club members like to assist and are friendly. Class numbers in all classes are currently 8 to 18. Keep fit have fun. FIRST ONE TRIAL LESSON FREE FOR BEGINNERS Learn to Western Line Dance with Single Star Country & Western 01432 870383 email 90% "original country music" & classic western type dances Beginners to Intermediate
Regular Dance Classes, Not Location Based. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Country Western, Waltz (CW).
Contact: Dev & Anita Galal
Tel: 01432 870 383
All Entries for Line Dancing Single Star Organisation.
(Last Edited: 7/1/2020)
NNorthholme Community Centre, Northholme Road, Belmont, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR2 7SP no smoke sign
All Entries for Northholme Community Centre Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Line Dance Class
Line, Country Western, Waltz (CW) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Clee Hill, Shropshire (13compassmiles)
Karen Hadley

Southern Cross LDC with Karen & Dave

 Karen Hadley (formerly Karen Hunn) choreographer of Evergreen, Badda Boom Badda Bang, Sube Amor, New Dreams (co-written) and Father & Daughter, has Nuline dance classes in Ditton Priors and Chetton, Shropshire. Nuline teaches routines to various genres of music: Latin, Jazz, Funk, Pop, Celtic and Country. Latin includes styles such as Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Tango, Mambo, Waltz, & Jive. It's a GREAT way to learn dance whilst enjoying a low impact physical and mental workout.
Regular Dance Classes, Dance Company. Dance Styles: Line Dance.
Contacts: Karen Hadley, Dave Bishop
Tel: 07464608747, 07527264846
All Entries for Southern Cross LDC with Karen & Dave Organisation.
(Last Edited: 10/3/2018)
OClee Hill Village Hall, Ludlow Road, Clee Hill, Shropshire, SY8 3NZ
All Entries for Clee Hill Village Hall Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

New Dancer Course

Line Instruction at Complete Novice level, Practice at Complete Novice level Dancing.
New Dancer Course
Line Instruction at Improver to Advanced level, Practice at Improver to Advanced level, Social Dancing.
Hereford, Hereford & Worcester (13compassmiles)
Classes also in Clehonger and Weobley
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, Freestyle Dance, Street Dance, Cheerleading, Ballet (English).
Contact: Cindy Watts
Tel: 01432 275553
Email: Dolloway Dancers.
All Entries for Dolloway Dancers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
PDolloway Dancers, 11 Kingfisher Road, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR2 7TH
All Entries for Dolloway Dancers Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Line, Ballet, Tap Dance Class

Line, Latin American, Aerobic, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Freestyle, Street, Cheerleading, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details. For further details: Info.
Putson, Hereford & Worcester (13compassmiles)
10 Jun 22

Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire

 BWDA & UKDC qualified line dance instructor. I teach choreographed dances to all kinds of different music styles, Latin, Irish and Country music. This is a fantastic way to learn dances and is good exercise both mentally and physically. Meet new people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Complete beginners and improvers/​intermediates catered for. No partner required, but why not bring a group of friends so you can all learn together. Two left feet welcome
Private Coaching, Professional Association, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Not Location Based. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Country Western, Waltz (CW).
Contact: Karen Knight
Tel: 07977 796582
All Entries for Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/5/2022)
QSaxon Hall, Hoarwithy Road, Putson, Hereford & Worcester, HR2 6HE (near Herefordno smoke sign
All Entries for Saxon Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
Step-In-Time - Modern Line Dance Classes
Line, Country Western, Waltz (CW) Masterclass, Workshop, Course, Instruction, Practice. Doors open 18:15. Admission £5.00. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07977 796582. Learn to line dance with qualified BWDA & UKDC Instructor. All levels and abilities accommodated. No previous dance experience necessary. Open to all ages - children to be accompanied by an adult at all times. No booking required - just turn up and have fun. Absolute beginner level - if you have never danced before, come along to my absolute beginner lessons. Learn the basic steps and you will soon be dancing. Beginner level - once you have an idea of the steps come to the beginner classes to enable you to progress. Most people attending the absolute beginner class also stay for the beginner. Improver / Intermediate level - these lessons are for people who have previous experience of dancing. Whether you already dance on a regular basis or haven't danced in some time, this will be great fun. Cost: £5 for adults; £3 for under 16's
Redhill, Hereford & Worcester (13compassmiles)
The 3Degreez Cheerleaders are based in Hereford, UK and are members of the British Cheerleading Association. Run by Ruth Litchfield & Katie Bowcott-Hall. At present we have two squads: 3Degreez Dynamoz Age 6-11 and the 3Degreez Age 11-16 If you would like more information please contact us - we are always looking for new members to join our team :-). No experience needed - come along and have some fun!
Dance Wear, Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Choreographer, Shows and Concerts, Dance Company, Event & Party Suppliers, Professional Training, School Directory, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops. Dance Styles: Club Dance, Cheerleading, Commercial. Callers by Appointment Only. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Ruth & Katie
Tel: 07792254217, 07837382816
Email: Hereford's 3Degreez Cheerleading Squad.
All Entries for Hereford's 3Degreez Cheerleading Squad Organisation.
(Last Edited: 20/1/2013)
RMarlbrook Community Primary School, Green Croft, Redhill, Hereford & Worcester, HR2 7NT
All Entries for Marlbrook Community Primary School Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Club Dance Class
Club, Junior, Cheerleading, Commercial Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Bedstone, Shropshire (14compassmiles)
14 Oct 10
Raise the Dust Appalachian Dancers

Raise the Dust Appalachian Dancers

 Appalachian Dancers based in Shropshire & Mid Wales. Available for performances and workshops throughout the UK.
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes, Dance Company, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Corporate Entertainment, Workshops. Dance Styles: Tap Dance, Club Dance.
Contacts: Clare Simpson, Lizzie Passmore
Tel: 01743 249106
All Entries for Raise the Dust Appalachian Dancers Organisation.
(Last Edited: 8/10/2010)
SBedstone & Hopton Castle Village Hall, Bedstone, Shropshire, SY7 0BE (near Knightonno smoke sign
All Entries for Bedstone & Hopton Castle Village Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Appalachian Dance

Tap, Clog Instruction at Beginner to Advanced level, Practice at Beginner to Advanced level Dancing. Admission £1.00. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 01743 249106.
Tarrington, Hereford & Worcester (14compassmiles)
New Beginners Classes starting week commencing 10th January 2011.Ballroom, Latin, Zumba, Salsa, Rock N Roll, Jive, Latin in Line and Line Dancing, Street Dance, Freestyle, Cheerleading. Learn to dance in a Fun & Friendly atmosphere, make new friends & keep fit. Join Worcester's leading dance specialists and put your feet in our hands! Regular Social Dances/​Events/​Dance Personalities. UK/​Abroad Dance Holidays. Dance Shoes in stock. Everyone Welcome with/​without partner. Private tuition available
Dance Wear, Footwear, Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Event Calendar, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Merengue, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Quickstep, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Zumba.
Contact: Sharon Nasrulla
Tel: 01905 424415, 07818 406108
All Entries for Worcester Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 4/1/2011)
T> Lady Emily Community Hall, Tarrington, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 4EX
All Entries for Lady Emily Community Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballroom and Latin Social Dance

Latin American, Salsa, Rock 'n' Roll, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Rumba, Samba, Tango (Ballroom), Quickstep, Swing, Ballroom, Jive, Tango Practice, Social Dancing at Beginner to Int/Advanced level. Admission £4.00. To book or for further details: Tel: 01905 424415. Come and dance the night away at our social dance. Ballroom, Latin and Salsa etc. Everyone welcome. Next dance date to be confirmed shortly. Further details Sharon Worcester Dance Centre 01905 424415 or 07818 406108.
New Beginners Classes starting week commencing 10th January 2011.Ballroom, Latin, Zumba, Salsa, Rock N Roll, Jive, Latin in Line and Line Dancing, Street Dance, Freestyle, Cheerleading. Learn to dance in a Fun & Friendly atmosphere, make new friends & keep fit. Join Worcester's leading dance specialists and put your feet in our hands! Regular Social Dances/​Events/​Dance Personalities. UK/​Abroad Dance Holidays. Dance Shoes in stock. Everyone Welcome with/​without partner. Private tuition available
Dance Wear, Footwear, Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Event Calendar, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Merengue, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Quickstep, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Zumba.
Contact: Sharon Nasrulla
Tel: 01905 424415, 07818 406108
All Entries for Worcester Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 4/1/2011)
T<> Lady Emily Community Hall, Tarrington, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 4EX
All Entries for Lady Emily Community Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Improvers Ballroom and Latin Class

Latin American, Salsa, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Rumba, Quickstep, Ballroom, Jive Instruction at Improver level Dancing. Admission £4.00. Improvers Ballroom and Latin Class - gain more confidence and style. New figures and technique. Ongoing class. Knowledge of the basics in each dance is required for this class. Everyone Welcome With/Without Partner. Further details Sharon Worcester Dance Centre 01905 424415 or 07818 406108
04 Jan 09
14 Mar 09
New Beginners Classes starting week commencing 10th January 2011.Ballroom, Latin, Zumba, Salsa, Rock N Roll, Jive, Latin in Line and Line Dancing, Street Dance, Freestyle, Cheerleading. Learn to dance in a Fun & Friendly atmosphere, make new friends & keep fit. Join Worcester's leading dance specialists and put your feet in our hands! Regular Social Dances/​Events/​Dance Personalities. UK/​Abroad Dance Holidays. Dance Shoes in stock. Everyone Welcome with/​without partner. Private tuition available
Dance Wear, Footwear, Event Organiser, Private Coaching, Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Dance Company, Event Calendar, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Line Dance, Latin American, Salsa Dance, Rock 'n' Roll, Disco Dance, Merengue, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Quickstep, Freestyle Dance, Ballroom, Street Dance, Jive, Zumba.
Contact: Sharon Nasrulla
Tel: 01905 424415, 07818 406108
All Entries for Worcester Dance Centre Organisation.
(Last Edited: 4/1/2011)
T< Lady Emily Community Hall, Tarrington, Hereford, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 4EX
All Entries for Lady Emily Community Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

New Absolute Beginners Ballroom, Latin & Salsa Class Jan 09

Latin American, Salsa, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Rumba, Quickstep, Ballroom, Jive Instruction at Beginner level Dancing. Admission £4.00. New Absolute Beginners Ballroom, Latin and Salsa Class commencing January 2009 - learn the basics of social dancing and lead/follow your partner around the floor with confidence and style. Everyone Welcome With/Without Partner. Further details Sharon 01905 424415 or 07818 406108.
Kington, Hereford & Worcester (15compassmiles)
Bellydance tuition and performance with qualified instructor.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Abbie Mason
Tel: 07962 161081
All Entries for Alanya Bellydance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2018)
ULady Hawkins Community Leisure Centre, Church Street, Kington, Hereford & Worcester, HR5 3AG no smoke sign
All Entries for Lady Hawkins Community Leisure Centre Venue. Car Parking. Classes held in Stage area of building Show Venue on Google Earth.

Belly Dance Class

Belly Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Fownhope, Hereford & Worcester (16compassmiles)

Tamara Middle Academy of Dance

Classes in Windsor
Dance Studio/School, Regular Dance Classes. Dance Styles: Ballet, Ballet (English).
Tel: 07734 935062
Email: Tamara Middle Academy of Dance.
All Entries for Tamara Middle Academy of Dance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/11/2007)
VFerry Boat Cottage, Ferry Lane, Fownhope, Hereford & Worcester, HR1 4NX
All Entries for Ferry Boat Cottage Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Ballet Dance Class

Ballet, Ballet (English) Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Thruxton, Hereford & Worcester (16compassmiles)

Winchester Western Wear

We stock Boots, Hats, Ladies Skirts & Blouses, Men's Shirts, Denim, Jewellery and Accessories. Katz: Freestyle Dance Sneaker.
Footwear, Accessories, Jewellery, Western Wear. Dance Styles: Line Dance, CW Couples, CW Partner, Country Western. Mail Order Available. All major Credit Cards accepted.
Contact: Dylan Winchester
Tel: 01981 570244
Fax: 01981 570244
Email: Winchester Western Wear.
All Entries for Winchester Western Wear Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/1/2005)
WBased at: Winchester Western Wear, Brookfield House, Thruxton, Hereford & Worcester, HR2 9BB
All Entries for Winchester Western Wear Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Line Dance Class
Line, CW Couples, CW Partner, Country Western Dancing. Contact organiser for times and further details.
Ledbury, Hereford & Worcester (19compassmiles)
Bellydance tuition and performance with qualified instructor.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Abbie Mason
Tel: 07962 161081
All Entries for Alanya Bellydance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2018)
XSt Katherine's Hall, High Street, Ledbury, Hereford & Worcester, HR8 1DZ no smoke sign
All Entries for St Katherine's Hall Venue. Car Parking.  Show Venue on Google Earth.
 Belly Dance Class
Belly Instruction, Practice. Contact organiser for times and further details.
18 Sep 18
Bellydance tuition and performance with qualified instructor.
Private Coaching, Regular Dance Classes, Instructor for Hire, Choreographer, Demonstrations / Cabaret, Performances, Own Choreography, Workshops, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance.
Contact: Abbie Mason
Tel: 07962 161081
All Entries for Alanya Bellydance Organisation.
(Last Edited: 27/8/2018)
YStudiocrafts, 5a The Southend, Ledbury, Hereford & Worcester, HR8 2EY (near Ledburyno smoke sign
All Entries for Studiocrafts Venue. We are just off the main crossroads (top cross), just a few paces up from the traffic lights and high street, just before the Royal Oak Hotel. On street parking and town car parks are just a short walk away. Show Venue on Google Earth.
Bellydance with Alanya
Belly Instruction. Bring your own drinks. To book or for further details: Info, Tel: 07962 161081. Classes postponed until further notice. Please visit my website for online tuition and events. Fun, feminine dance form suitable for all ages (14+), body types and fitness levels. Tutor Alanya holds a JWAAD Diploma in Teaching Arabic Dance.
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